People born in the sign of Pisces are a puzzle to everyone, as well as to themselves. The symbol of the sign, two fishes swimming in opposite directions, typifies the contradictions in the nature of Piscean.
Neptune rules the sign, and creates in the natives a dreamy, responsive, impressionable, sensitive spirit, without any ability to cope with the realistic conditions of daily life. Neptune himself comes to us as a gay, cheerful, jovial, laughing personality, but in the legends of antiquity he is always the arch-deceiver and trickster.
Pisceans have all of these qualities. They are amiable, sweet-tempered people, very socially inclined, and exceedingly likable. But their character lacks direction to such an extent that they themselves do not really know what it is they want. Their sympathy is boundless. If illness is mentioned in their presence, they are a bundle of aches and pains. They know exactly how everyone feels, with more intensity than the person with the pain.
Venus and the Moon are very powerful in Pisces, but these planets in this sign only make the native self-indulgent and more moody and whimsical. It is easy to see how the sign influences tend to rob the native of the stamina needed to fight the realities of life.
This combination of planets governing the sign character gives the high type Piscean all of the qualities already mentioned, with the addition of a really exalted imagination, in which the native retreats to escape from the harsh world.
This spiritual departure sometimes results in the beautiful creative work of poetry, music, and painting. Sometimes the Piscean visions are followed by a real attempt to visualize the native’s schemes for the betterment of mankind. They see so clearly the ills of the world, and plan in their imagination so many ways to alleviate the suffering of mankind that it is too bad that more Pisceans have not the power to make these schemes a reality. Sometimes this is accomplished, and the world benefits from a sincere plan for its welfare. But more often the Piscean dreams away the time in fretful discontent.
Even the high type of this sign is intensely sorry for himself or herself. He considers that his involved spiritual theories make him superior to the world around him, and the native seldom realize that his’ way of life is most deceptive. These people cannot be depended upon from one moment to the next, and the expression of their thoughts changes with their audience. They consider themselves the personification of truth, while in reality the devious quality of their minds and their complicated desires, ( often dark and questionable), make them the most untruthful of all of the Zodiacal types. To the Piscean, telling untruths is part of his own code of self-deception. When faced with his false hoods, he always has a glib explanation, very ethical in expression, that turns a tide of sympathy on himself. A Piscean will never admit that he is capable of a dishonest or unethical act. They set a high value on right thinking and will tell any sort of story to prove that they of all people would never do a willfully wrong act.
This is very difficult type of character to cope with in the life, for Pisceans excite, in one way or another, the sympathy of almost everyone they contact. The person who uncovers deceit in a Piscean is enmeshed in a net of explanation meant to destroy the truth of the situation and recover esteem and sympathy for the native.
These people love the unknown and mysterious. They are devoted to studies of the occult, spiritualistic, and esoteric fields of imagination. They believe in the truth of these phantom worlds, and however unconvincing the physical manifestations may be to the other Zodiacal types, the Pisceans believe in them.
The mixed Piscean type, with a generous bolstering of sturdy planetary influences, can use this love of the spirit to great advantage in the life. In such a case it makes the native more sensible in sympathies, and gives a more sincere spiritual balance.
With the maze of contradiction and clash of urges in the basic character, it is easy to understand how hard it is for this type to adjust themselves to the life. They are so impressionable that any theory vividly described is at once their own. Their enthusiasm for causes, platforms and phobias changes almost with the season, and they themselves are so victimized by fact and fancy, truth and falsehood, that the weaker types seldom achieves any purpose in the life.
To hear them talk, this would not seem to be the case, for they are very glib, colorful, and plausible in speech. It is only when they are unable to carry out a program expected of them that this inherent incapability is revealed.
This does not mean that all Pisceans are incapable. Quite the contrary. Among all the signs of the Zodiacs are to be found great people and successful people. But, with the Piscean type of character there must be a grouping of planets in the natal chart strong enough to offset the delusive Neptune character, and the moody dominance of the moon, and the lax, self-indulgent Venus influence. These influences in moderation are very glamorous, and do much to soften a character and make the personality more intriguing, but when there are no planets in powerful positions to add stamina, the whole is likely to suffer.
Pisces people succeed as musicians, poets, and ministers or in the healing professions. In the business world they tend toward industry connected with fluids, because this is a water sign, travel by water, oils, beverages, chemicals, etc; They are interested in the world of illusion and gravitate toward the motion-picture field, cosmetics, costumes, etc;
The Pisces people are not robust. They have rather a weak constitution, and are so susceptible to suggestion that they can work themselves into a state where any illness is a possibility. They have little resistance and succumb to exposure. They suffer from illness so much during the life that they sometimes contract the drug habit. This does not often go so far as to become a vice, but they resort to drugs and drink alcohol more frequently than many of the other Zodiacal types.
The appearance of the Piscean varies with the placing of the other signs in the nativity. The face is usually outstanding in softness of outline and expression. All of the lines are round and gentle. The women of this sign have especially soft, insinuating, expressive faces. The sign runs to flesh, but in the women of the type, there is especially during youth, a sensuous grace that is seductive. Many oriental beauties are of the Pisces type. Both sexes often become fat during early middle age because of overeating, over drinking, and no exercise.
In love and marriage the Piscean is at home. Both men and women of this type love domestic life, and they are the most willing of all the Zodiacal types to carry out the romantic legend of lover and sweetheart throughout the married life.
They show great affection in the home and flatter the mate with little attentions and gestures of affection. This is very lovely when the character has some stability, but when the Piscean make-up is not mixed with the sturdier qualities, every pretty face is a temptation, and every manly figure a possible thrill. The stronger type of Piscean sublimates these wandering fancies in intellectual pursuits.
The children of the Pisces person will present health problems. Children’s diseases need exacting care, but nothing will be so enervating to both children and parents as the native’s hypochondriacal temperament. There will be new babies born in the family, to take the place of infants who have passed on.
The spiritual type of Piscean may add to the knowledge of the world by revealing some astounding material in relation to life after death. This can cause a furor in the metaphysical world. New theories will be torn to pieces by the elect because as is the case with everything. Neptunian, it is searchingly clear one minute and equally obscure the next! Pisceans of the lower orders will revel in mystics and fortune tellers to their inspiration and despair.