Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Your birthday in Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

People born in the sign of Pisces are a puzzle to everyone, as well as to themselves. The symbol of the sign, two fishes swimming in opposite directions, typifies the contradictions in the nature of Piscean.

Neptune rules the sign, and creates in the natives a dreamy, responsive, impressionable, sensitive spirit, without any ability to cope with the realistic conditions of daily life. Neptune himself comes to us as a gay, cheerful, jovial, laughing personality, but in the legends of antiquity he is always the arch-deceiver and trickster. 

Pisceans have all of these qualities. They are amiable, sweet-tempered people, very socially inclined, and exceedingly likable. But their character lacks direction to such an extent that they themselves do not really know what it is they want. Their sympathy is boundless. If illness is mentioned in their presence, they are a bundle of aches and pains. They know exactly how everyone feels, with more intensity than the person with the pain. 

Venus and the Moon are very powerful in Pisces, but these planets in this sign only make the native self-indulgent and more moody and whimsical. It is easy to see how the sign influences tend to rob the native of the stamina needed to fight the realities of life.

This combination of planets governing the sign character gives the high type Piscean all of the qualities already mentioned, with the addition of a really exalted imagination, in which the native retreats to escape from the harsh world. 

This spiritual departure sometimes results in the beautiful creative work of poetry, music, and painting. Sometimes the Piscean visions are followed by a real attempt to visualize the native’s schemes for the betterment of mankind. They see so clearly the ills of the world, and plan in their imagination so many ways to alleviate the suffering of mankind that it is too bad that more Pisceans have not the power to make these schemes a reality. Sometimes this is accomplished, and the world benefits from a sincere plan for its welfare. But more often the Piscean dreams away the time in fretful discontent. 

Even the high type of this sign is intensely sorry for himself or herself. He considers that his involved spiritual theories make him superior to the world around him, and the native seldom realize that his’ way of life is most deceptive. These people cannot be depended upon from one moment to the next, and the expression of their thoughts changes with their audience. They consider themselves the personification of truth, while in reality the devious quality of their minds and their complicated desires, ( often dark and questionable), make them the most untruthful of all of the Zodiacal types. To the Piscean, telling untruths is part of his own code of self-deception. When faced with his false hoods, he always has a glib explanation, very ethical in expression, that turns a tide of sympathy on himself. A Piscean will never admit that he is capable of a dishonest or unethical act. They set a high value on right thinking and will tell any sort of story to prove that they of all people would never do a willfully wrong act. 

This is very difficult type of character to cope with in the life, for Pisceans excite, in one way or another, the sympathy of almost everyone they contact. The person who uncovers deceit in a Piscean is enmeshed in a net of explanation meant to destroy the truth of the situation and recover esteem and sympathy for the native. 

These people love the unknown and mysterious. They are devoted to studies of the occult, spiritualistic, and esoteric fields of imagination. They believe in the truth of these phantom worlds, and however unconvincing the physical manifestations may be to the other Zodiacal types, the Pisceans believe in them. 

The mixed Piscean type, with a generous bolstering of sturdy planetary influences, can use this love of the spirit to great advantage in the life. In such a case it makes the native more sensible in sympathies, and gives a more sincere spiritual balance. 

With the maze of contradiction and clash of urges in the basic character, it is easy to understand how hard it is for this type to adjust themselves to the life. They are so impressionable that any theory vividly described is at once their own. Their enthusiasm for causes, platforms and phobias changes almost with the season, and they themselves are so victimized by fact and fancy, truth and falsehood, that the weaker types seldom achieves any purpose in the life.

To hear them talk, this would not seem to be the case, for they are very glib, colorful, and plausible in speech. It is only when they are unable to carry out a program expected of them that this inherent incapability is revealed. 

This does not mean that all Pisceans are incapable. Quite the contrary. Among all the signs of the Zodiacs are to be found great people and successful people. But, with the Piscean type of character there must be a grouping of planets in the natal chart strong enough to offset the delusive Neptune character, and the moody dominance of the moon, and the lax, self-indulgent Venus influence. These influences in moderation are very glamorous, and do much to soften a character and make the personality more intriguing, but when there are no planets in powerful positions to add stamina, the whole is likely to suffer. 

Pisces people succeed as musicians, poets, and ministers or in the healing professions. In the business world they tend toward industry connected with fluids, because this is a water sign, travel by water, oils, beverages, chemicals, etc;  They are interested in the world of illusion and gravitate toward the motion-picture field, cosmetics, costumes, etc; 

The Pisces people are not robust. They have rather a weak constitution, and are so susceptible to suggestion that they can work themselves into a state where any illness is a possibility. They have little resistance and succumb to exposure. They suffer from illness so much during the life that they sometimes contract the drug habit. This does not often go so far as to become a vice, but they resort to drugs and drink alcohol more frequently than many of the other Zodiacal types. 

The appearance of the Piscean varies with the placing of the other signs in the nativity. The face is usually outstanding in softness of outline and expression. All of the lines are round and gentle. The women of this sign have especially soft, insinuating, expressive faces. The sign runs to flesh, but in the women of the type, there is especially during youth, a sensuous grace that is seductive. Many oriental beauties are of the Pisces type. Both sexes often become fat during early middle age because of overeating, over drinking, and no exercise. 

In love and marriage the Piscean is at home. Both men and women of this type love domestic life, and they are the most willing of all the Zodiacal types to carry out the romantic legend of lover and sweetheart throughout the married life. 

They show great affection in the home and flatter the mate with little attentions and gestures of affection. This is very lovely when the character has some stability, but when the Piscean make-up is not mixed with the sturdier qualities, every pretty face is a temptation, and every manly figure a possible thrill. The stronger type of Piscean sublimates these wandering fancies in intellectual pursuits. 

The children of the Pisces person will present health problems. Children’s diseases need exacting care, but nothing will be so enervating to both children and parents as the native’s hypochondriacal temperament. There will be new babies born in the family, to take the place of infants who have passed on. 

The spiritual type of Piscean may add to the knowledge of the world by revealing some astounding material in relation to life after death. This can cause a furor in the metaphysical world. New theories will be torn to pieces by the elect because as is the case with everything. Neptunian, it is searchingly clear one minute and equally obscure the next! Pisceans of the lower orders will revel in mystics and fortune tellers to their inspiration and despair.

Your birthday in Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

People born in this sign of the Zodiac cannot be judged by the standards that measure other people. This is perhaps the one completely unselfish type, in whose motives for behavior and in whose impulses may be seen a divine touch.

Aquarian people love humanity, not as the Sagittarian does, in a human way, with all its faults, but rather they love the life principle. To the Aquarian, the fact that there is life makes all things possible. He sees in mankind an exalted future, where a universal harmony is the natural scheme. To the Aquarian, world peace, arising out of the highest qualities of men is the ultimate goal. 

Aquarians see good in everything. They manage to get along with everyone and seldom find fault with any person or condition no matter how unjustly they may suffer from it. They are not martyrs, however, and if they are imposed upon, they will extricate themselves so adroitly that the real culprit is  always mysteriously revealed.

In appearance Aquarians are usually pleasant-looking people. It is as if some of the rare qualities of their mind were translated into a visual form. Aquarians have graceful medium sized figures. The head is very well shaped, with a broad benevolent brow and a generally sympathetic expression. They look, and are, exceedingly fit and healthy. This is partly due to the fact that they are so sensible about health habits that disease seldom gets a chance to attack them. They guide their lives into paths of industry, and keep busily occupied with some useful work. 

Whatever the work of Aquarians, it must always have a touch of culture and idealism. They never choose an uninteresting job as a life work, and whatever it is, they invest it with new life and an individual slant that is often productive of great financial returns. 

Not that the Aquarian loves money for itself, as does the Capricorn, but rather he loves it for what it can  buy in the way of progress and development for the work that he is doing. For, be assured, this type is always working, and hard work agrees with them. They can accomplish a great deal in very little time, and with half the energy that most people put into a task. They are naturally able people and inject into almost any task some improvement in method. 

It must be remembered that the sign of Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of upheaval, revolution and change. The qualities of Uranus are strong in the Aquarian character, but they are not, as they suggest, unpleasantly aggressive. When the word revolution is mentioned, the natural reaction is one of uncertainty or even fear. Aquarians have it in their make-up to change any condition in the life that appears to them unhealthy or lacking in progress. They always aim for the highest in human harmony, and anything less causes them acute unhappiness. But this Uranian tendency toward change is seldom accompanied by the horrors usually connected with revolution, that is unless other conditions are at work. 

In their relations to friends, business associates, and loved ones, Aquarians are at their best. They enjoy human contacts and are most social, friendly people. They love to entertain, and frequently collect all kinds of queer people under their roof. This sometimes has bad results. They are inclined to trust everyone, and seldom doubt a hard-luck story. The result is that they are often deceived, and suffer consequent losses. This is never a lesson to them, as they consider humanity a study. They are always anxious to observe human conduct under all kinds of conditions. To the Aquarian, a person is never entirely bad, even when he commits wicked actions. 

Aquarians make the best friends of any of the Zodiacal types. They are willing to give a great deal of themselves, and usually receive a great deal in return. Their friendship is appreciated by all those who have the privilege of this enjoyment. In addition, friendship with an Aquarian, as well as love, has an inspiring quality that helps to raise every relationship to its highest form. 

In matters of romance and love, the Aquarian is more satisfactory than the Sagittarian, but he does share some of the same preference for universal love over personal love. However, when the Aquarian chooses a love, it is usually with great discrimination. In that field he is not easy to please, and responds only to the rarest type of passion and the cleanest personality. Usually Aquarians look for some mutual mental interest in the loved one. When they do find an intellectual companion who appeals in a fine way to their senses, they are faithful forever.  

In all matters of human conduct, the Aquarian may be said to be the most nearly above reproach than any other Zodiacal type. 

They seldom diverge from type, and the action of other planets has less effect on the basic character than any of the other signs 

As usual, there is a negative type. These people are somewhat dangerous, for they have good many of the likable qualities of the major Aquarian, but none of his’ constructive ability. They stir up conditions of discontent and dissatisfaction in their environment, and with many assurances that all will be well, they proceed to let the chips fall where they may, for they have no ability to adjust matters. 

These natives are often glib talkers. They can talk themselves into good jobs, and then proceed to hold the job by fooling the boss. The fact that they are incapable is usually revealed by some accident. A low grade Aquarian can make so much trouble by his’ nosiness, interference, and upsetting point of view that it takes the combined efforts of a good many different personalities to undo the confusion created by the original conflagration. 

Aquarians love hobby, and it is usually a useful one. They frequently take a great interest in advanced theories and actual schools for education along special lines. They want to bring luxury and privilege to every person, but they also want that person to have the intellectual background to understand and appreciate great and good things. It is true that they have deep sympathy for poverty, but they have a deeper concern for ignorance. Aquarians wish to raise the mental standard of the whole world before anything is done about physical salvage for the masses. To the Aquarian mind it is more important to make a man think than eat, perhaps instinctively the Aquarian knows that somehow man will eat, but he must be trained to love to think. Aquarians believe that only when all men are responsible mentally will true happiness prevail. 

More Aquarian persons proportionately will be used for the rehabilitation of mankind all over the world.  

They will be found in every ministering group, from the highest to lowest position. 

Your birthday in Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

The sign of Capricorn has no graces. The native is rather like one of those royal babies of old who were neglected in the cradle by all twelve of the fairy godmothers. However, the sign is seldom found unmodified, and much of the severity is softened by the influence of other planets.

In the pure state, the type is austere, super-critical, fault finding and overbearing. They are dissatisfied, no matter what the recompense. They can find something to criticize in everyone else, although they view their own accomplishments as almost perfect.

Even the appearance of the pure Capricorn type is unprepossessing. They are bony, angular, and spare of figure. The bones are large, and the physique, although very healthy, has an ill-assorted look, as if some clumsy hand had fitted the limbs together. The expression is dour, Saturnine, and seldom relieved by spontaneous laughter. The coloring is very dark, and the whole personality pervaded by a shade of melancholy. 

These people do not realize the depressing effect that they have upon others. They think of themselves as exceedingly accomplished, and much above their associates. They think that their eternal criticism is superior discernment, and that no one measures up to their own standards. In their secret hearts, bosses, friends and relatives are greatly beneath them, and they constantly pity themselves for being thus afflicted with the small minds around them. 

Actually their mental equipment is good, and they have a vigorous intellect well able to help them succeed in business. They have a fine comprehension of how to do business in the serious, less imaginative, routine way. Instinctively they realize that they have no capacity for the inventive, the new or the original, and they seek to belittle these qualities in others, by exalting routine, and exaggerating the virtues of the true and tried. Because of the general skepticism where innovations are concerned their conservatism often without over the ideas of better men. They are quick to seize an advantage as fair play is not one of their virtues. 

The Capricorn native is a useful person in business, despite the aforementioned faults. He can be depended upon to follow his’ routine and complete his’ tasks with enviable exactitude. His’ attendance is perfect and he never misses any of his’ duties. If in charge of investments, provided the account is directed, he will carry out instructions to the letter. Money is never misappropriated, and a fine satisfactory account is rendered whenever called for. The Capricorn financial judgment is apt to be too conservative for real profits. Natives are miserly people by instinct, and cannot relax this tendency even when paid to make money for someone else. 

No matter what field of endeavor they adopt for the life work, it is always taken with great seriousness. Nothing is ever light or trifling to these people, and the smallest tasks in their hands assume great importance.  

They are exceedingly ambitious people and think of the highest positions as theirs by right. It is remarkable that with such a stilted type of ability they can go through life always believing that the best should be theirs, but the Capricorn self-confidence is only equaled by selfishness. 

While they are pursuing their course, bent upon attaining their ends, they can exist on less money than any other type of personality. The mountain goat, symbol of the sign, lives a hazardous existence on a few dry twigs while the only home it knows is a series of uneven crags that it clings to, surefooted and confident. This is an accurate description of the Capricorn native’s struggle for existence and his’ method of meeting the problem. He can adjust himself to any hardship to attain an end. His’ nature repels luxury or even the average pleasures and social contacts so necessary to the wellbeing of other Zodiacal types. 

Capricorn people seek no friends, as they distrust almost everyone, and are so old for their age, whatever it happens to be, that it is hard to know into what group they rightfully belong. 

They do not avoid marriage, however but accept it as part of our inherited scheme of life. They are passionate and demanding in home life, getting a great deal of attention and respect in view of their company and lack of inspiration in everything that they have to offer. Indeed, iit is seldom that they offer anything, but they expect instant obedience from their children, and enthusiastic affection from their wives. They distrust everyone in their home, and are always suspiciously investigating to see if they can uncover some disloyalty directed against them. It may be that instinctively and secretly they realize their shortcomings, and judge accordingly that such poverty of temperament cannot expect true devotion. Regardless of all this, their homes are seldom broken up, and all the conditions of severity and servitude that they exact of others are more often than not cheerfully fulfilled. The Capricorn parent of either sex is a type often commented on by other parents.”You See”, they say, “The less you do for children, the more they do for you”.

Your birthday in Sagittarius (Nov 23 - Dec 21)

The sign of Sagittarius is symbolized by the centaur, half horse, half man, drawing a bow from which an arrow is about to dart. 

It is a beautiful sign, promising the native a high type of mind and noble impulses.

Physically, Sagittarians are distinguished looking people, tall, well-developed and athletic. Our mental picture of the classic hunter as well as the modern athlete is a good conception of what the Sagittarian looks like. This grace of figure is largely a part of the early youth, Sagittarians have a Zest for good living, and by the time these people have reached years of discretion, the body is mature in outline and somewhat corpulent. All through the life they present a very fine appearance. 

The Sagittarians take an active interest in sports and outdoor activities from their earliest youth upward. They have however, a great sense of fitness and the sports of their youth are often laid aside as time advances for amusement suitable to the age of the native. 

Sagittarian women are the “Diana Type”. They are usually tall, often auburn-haired, and what we moderns have learned to describe as “Stunning”. 

The expression in both sexes is apt to be vivacious, laughing and sunny. The mien is cultured, and the features themselves medium-sized, clear and well formed. Few sign characters start life with so many advantages. 

The health of the Sagittarian is good. They have naturally sound bodies, but delicate nervous systems. They have a tremendous enthusiasm for life, and are not at all self centered. The result is too often over-strain and too much activity, mental or physical exposure and risk make them, as a group, subject to sudden illness. Sagittarians have almost as many accidents as the Aries people, because of their enthusiastic energy, and self-forgetfulness. These people are an easy prey for fevers, for they drive them selves to the peak of activity and continue to work long after another person would have recognized the  signs of illness and quit. They suffer from nervous indigestion and run a temperature under almost any strain. Sagittarius rules the hips and thighs, and during the early youth the limbs are in danger of sudden accident. Later in life, high blood pressure, rheumatism and sciatica are possible. Oddly enough, despite the many susceptibilities of this sign it is one of the old age signs of the Zodiac. 

It is as if the love of these people for life itself and the urge to see what happens in the world, communicates itself to Nature, who preserves them here far beyond the normal span.      

Your birthday in Scorpio (OCT 24 - NOV 22)

The Scorpion is the symbol of this sign and suggests itself in the disposition and character of Scorpio natives. These people are extremists in every way. They are the most dominant, ruthless, self-willed and autocratic of any Zodiacal type. They are passionate and rebellious, tearing down the tenets of God and Man alike to suit their purpose.  They WILL RULE, not with gracious majesty of Leo, or even the sharper authority of Aries, but with the fierce tyranny of a Czar. It is THEIR WAY or no way. 

The enigma of all who understand the Scorpio temperament is this combination of violent qualities with a fine constructive mind. These people have a true comprehension of life, its difficulties, and problems. They are exceedingly astute, and know how to win out in the difficult battle of life. For, to them everything is a battle. Yet with all that superior knowledge, they seldom take the easy way to accomplish anything, but always choose the road of contention and strife. They are contrary and contradictory, and choose to go in opposition to even their own conceptions, if it suits their mood of the moment. This sign was once called the negative side of Mars and Mars was appointed its ruler, but the newest astrological thought has described Pluto named for the dark lord of the underworld, as the rightful ruler of the sign.

Such a picture of active unpleasantness leads one ti wonder how Scorpio natives conform to this world at all. Actually they are often very successful people, of great ability, and high accomplishment. 

The sign of Scorpio, ruled over by Pluto, is the sign of death, birth and the principle of sex. It also deals with problems of race preservation, reform and regeneration. The turgid passions of hatred, revenge and rivalry are also part of the Scorpio sign-personality.

In appearance the Scorpio man is thick set, even squat. He is a giant in strength, and moves with effortless power, and works with tireless energy. The face is heavy, dark and often sneering or saturnine in Expression. The jaw protrudes and the mouth is determined, harsh and somewhat coarse.

The Scorpio woman is more agreeably shaped, although big boned and somewhat heavy. Sometimes the figure is grandly voluptuous. The face is generally a full oval and the mouth sensual, though not without beauty and appeal.

Both sexes are exceedingly passionate but very often their physical capabilities are not up to the desires of the mind. Unless there is a little prudence somewhere in the make-up the Scorpio passions can become degrading. Illness and incapability have come to many Scorpio natives as a result of their own unreasoning sexual activities.

In the intellectual fields Scorpio people are successful as they are able to grasp and master any subject. Will power and the unconquerable desire to dominate often force them to tackle jobs that others would avoid. Usually they succeed in their work, for they are thorough, systematic and very capable. They work tirelessly for the salvation of the race, and often thanklessly, as the Scorpio personality invites quarrels, criticisms, and tumult. Working in the medical and surgical field, operating, searching for causes and cures, the Scorpio native plods tirelessly, spreading violent emotions in his’ wake, sometimes work ship, more often hatred, but never indifference. They work and get results long after other types have ceased their efforts. 

Scorpio people are philosophical, for they are deeply analytical and profound. But, unable to separate their discoveries from their own temperament, they color everything with a dark, pessimistic shroud, even when their common sense and experience have taught them that the facts are different. They are impossible in argument, as only they can win. 

At the head of a great project, this type of inflexible command has its value, and though the big boss (if he is Scorpio) may be well hated, he is also obeyed. Work carried on under such direction is never shallow, but always well done and permanent, as if it were created to fight the elements. It is quite usual to find a Scorpio man with all his’ faults at the head of a vast undertaking. 

Scorpio people are often engaged in the execution of great wills, and the settlement of big inheritances. The high type of the sign are scrupulously honest, and have pathological interest in bereavement that makes them zealous in completing settlements and in making a material return as far as it is possible for spiritual losses. 

They are prolific people in every way, and they are prodigious workers. They like large families, even though they make the poorest parents, being tyrannical, overly possessive and violent. But despite their unsuitability of temperament, the principle of sex operates more fully with Scorpio than any other type in the Zodiac. They have large families.

By the same token, Scorpio is temperamentally unfit for matrimony, and though almost always married,  the Scorpio husband is violent, too demanding, jealous, suspicious and over- bearing. 

The Scorpio wife may be a shrew, keeping her family in a state of nervous exhaustion with her tyranny and temper. For Scorpio, success in marriage comes when the type is slightly modified by the Moon, Ascendant, or some other planet, powerful in the birth chart or marital success may come when the opposite partner is yielding and very docile, and even stimulated by such explosive guidance. As friends, Scorpio people succeed rather better, but when intimacies grow too close, conflict arises.

Thus in all human relations Scorpio revolts. The mind is large, able, capable and comprehensive, but natives make life a bitter struggle, tinctured with their own warped brand of humor and relived by secret lust.

When your birthday comes in Libra (Sep 24 - Oct 23)

Libra, symbolized by the scales, is the sign of marriage and partnership. It might be said of the Libra people that they are the most fitted for partnership of any sign in the Zodiac, Librans are balanced, serene, temperate, intellectual, analytical and harmonious.

Like Gemini and Aquarius, Libra is an air sign, but it defers from both of these signs in many ways. The air signs indicate a high type of mentality, but Libra people have the most artistic, aristocratic and social mind of all three. 

Libra is ruled by Venus, and in both appearance and temperament Librans show the highest Venusian qualities. 

They are unusually delicate, refined looking people, with medium-sized graceful figures, very regular features and small hands and feet. Everything about them, hair, eyes and complexion appears well cared for and in good health. This is somewhat deceiving as they are not at all vigorous people. They have a  good physical structure and generally enjoy, sound health, but they have little resistance and yield to illness if they are exposed in anyway. They recover quickly, and seem to have for such delicate constitutions, plenty of resilience.

Socially, Libra people are in great demand. They have such a highly developed sense of fitness that people learn to look to them to make decisions, for they do and say just the right thing at the right moment. Their conversation flows along easily, and they are so instinctively well-bred that society believes them to be as cool and unruffled as they appear to be.  

In some respects this is true of Libra. They have great mental detachment but are the most passionate people of all the Zodiacal types. This statement might bear some modification as the sign of Scorpio has more intensity in its passion, and the Leo passions have more fire. But behind the poised front of Libra there is usually a physical nature so alive, and sensuous, and sensual, so avid for fulfillment that it is hard to believe that two forces can harmonize so completely the force of mind and the appetites of the body. 

As sweethearts and lovers these people are utterly charming, partly because of their own engaging temperament, coupled with their delight at all physical union. They are not constant in their devotion, but they make changes in the affections so tactfully that the dispossessed is not always aware of the painful operation until it is all over. 

In the weak Libra type this devotion to the senses sometimes gets the upper hand. They resort to extremes in sex, and do many things gracefully that would be obnoxious in other personalities. In men of this sign, the physical balance can totter, and lean to homosexuality. Weak Libra women, physically lax, with a desire for luxury that overrules the moral stamina, sometimes become prostitutes. 

It must always be remembered that these tendencies do not appear in the positive type who, aside from a normal desire to flirt, and enjoy popularity, behave throughout the life even better than other Zodiacal divisions. 

Domestically the Libra man and woman fit into the scheme of marriage. They have so much charm that they usually marry early in life. Traditionally conventional, they always preserve the home. Librans seldom seek divorce, but they do seek change. They are as gracious and well bred in the home as they are in social life, but they are difficult partners to live up to their own behavior so nears the ideal in outward human conduct that the marriage partner has a hard time living up to it. The other partner may be wonderful person but entirely without the Libra ability to adjust himself so smoothly to the pace of life. 

In business, Libra persons make ideal partners. They are the balance wheel of a combination, and they excel in matters of judgment, analysis, and instinctive reasoning. They seem to be somewhat conservative. This is not unprogressive, but rather an innate desire to be safe and protect the other fellow against losses that might result from the untried. 

Libra people have a high type of intellect. They can comprehend any subject, up to the most involved philosophical argument. They can analyze, explain, and pass judgment on all sorts of difficulties with complete detachment. 

This makes the highest group of Libran suitable for diplomacy, judgeships and international law. 

As Venus rules this sign, her sway gives Libra people the taste and ability to select beautiful things. Houses, furnishings, ornaments and paintings, or decorations and design in all of the branches are suitable professions for Libra. Among the more physical Librans, dancing and modeling clothes are very suitable occupations. 

Every sign has its seamy side, and the delightful Librans degenerate even as all the others. The negative Libran is spineless, lacking direction and purpose. They are often accomplished liars, using the Libra glibness for misrepresentation and willful deceit. This type of Libran can fritter away a life-time in self-indulgence, pretense and lying. They go about with the air of fallen grandees who are far too rare for this base world. They themselves end up by almost believing the airy fabric of their dreams, and the conscious lying and trickery that are part of this personality. 

Apply common sense to choosing a marriage partner. Those already married had best hold on to the strings of security. Old friends pass on and new ones take their place. Many Librans will receive legacies from those who pass on.  Be prepared for conflict with superiors and parents. It is a case of duty versus desire. Sudden travel and change of place may be imminent.

When your birthday comes in Virgo (Aug 24 - Sep 24)

People born in the sign of Virgo, the virgin, are a blend of two forces, not entirely harmonious. These forces are earth and air. Virgo is an earth sign, ruled by Mercury, whose airy influence, intellectual as it is, does not harmonize with the humble earthly influence of the innate sign character.

This conflict of personality blends remarkably well in the average Virgo person, who may have a great deal of intellect and a small amount of earthiness, or just the reverse.

The average Virgo person is quiet, industrious, painstaking and modest. Almost a slave to his’ work, the Virgo native rules those who work for him by the same exacting standards. He gives and demands “measure for measure”. Generally respected, these humble people excite no envy as they progress, partly because of the modesty of their demands, and the insignificance of their personality. 

The more noble types of the Zodiac look down upon Virgo instinctively. They are not handsome, they are not idealistic, they are not heroic, and they are not adventurous. But they are, as a rule, trust  worthy, clean and decent. The influence of Mercury gives them clear-thinking, practical minds capable of the  material type of intellectuality. This is not to be confused with the high quality of thought of Libra, or the abstract mathematical gymnastics of Gemini. At best these are plain people,, treating life as a placid fact, Whatever dignity of position they do arrive at, they guard  jealousy and keep it untarnished  

The more mental type, with the urge toward intellectual Mercury qualities, lacks none of the dependability found in the humble, earthy members of the sign. 

The high type of Virgoan has a cool, self-centered intellect, with a highly developed critical sense. They have some of the Gemini brilliance, but are not nearly so restless. 

They accomplish whatever they set out to do because they stick to the job, no matter how lengthy and tiresome. In this way Virgo people succeed far beyond the expectations of all who know them. Many of the more distinguished Zodiacal types who appear to inherit the earth disdain to exert the effort put forth by the average Virgo person. Virgo natives, on the other hand, are willing to humbly advance their lot, and court success by work and service.

All of the Virgo processes of thought are factual, earth bound and material. Their intellectual work is always along the lines of concrete, known facts and known quantities. They cannot understand, and do not credit, flights of fancy or remote intellectual speculation. Spiritually they respect religion as an institution of respectability. They themselves are not religious in the spiritual sense of the world. They have no desire to plumb the mysteries of life, and no understanding of involved spiritual thought. They go to Church because their world would think ill of them if they did not. These people conform to recognized patterns of conduct because they are limited and fearful in spirit. They never forget the sorry consequences of misdeeds in this world rather than in the next.

The same quality of thought makes Virgo people chaste and passionless. As sweethearts and lovers they are engaging and attentive enough, but as husbands and wives they are uninspiring and passionless. In fact where marriage is  involved  they are so fussy, discriminating and critical that it is hard for them to make a final choice. Frequently they do not make one at all, and many Virgo people choose to be spinsters and bachelors. It is hard for them to surrender self, and they do not know how to give unrestrainedly, or even comprehend the heights of poetic physical love. They are exceedingly cold when they do marry, they make kind cooperative partners, domestic and reliable provided the pair have more of a brother and sister relationship. Even if the marriage does not begin with this plan in view, Virgoans will inspire the household with the virginal quality of thought. Virgo faults are like their virtues, sober, grave and prosaic. The exception is the negative Virgo type, quite rare, and this is the criminal who resorts to poison. 

Generally negative Virgo people are tedious, hair-splitting, fussy, penny-pinching and boring to exasperation. When they attain any position at all, they become snobbish. Ill health is a bogey-man with Virgoans, and they dramatize their illness whether real or imaginary. This is the only flight of fancy Virgo people seem to understand. 

As a matter of fact, Virgo natives enjoy surprisingly good health. Being temperate people, they live sensibly, and the result is usually a long life and a healthful old age. Virgo is one of the old age  signs of the Zodiac. It is to be remembered that Virgo is the health sign. Virgo rules the bowels, solar-plexus and especially the alimentary canal. 

In appearance Virgo people fall into two types, the typically “earth sign type, “ and the mental Mercury type” The earth-sign type is homely, with a head far too large for the body. The body is strong and healthy, but ungraceful and badly proportioned. Knock-knees, bow-legs, and shoulders of uneven height are often found in the Virgo physique. Coloring and features are nondescript. The nose, frequently the outstanding feature in the Virgo face, is unshapely, very broad and primitive in type. 

The higher type of Virgo person is somewhat better formed, with a neater figure, and smaller, more precise features.

The plain durability of the Virgo appearance suggests the life work and methods of livelihood for which these people are best suited. The high type Virgoan makes a good statistician, efficiency expert, tutor, teacher, agent for estates, broker (within limits) and lawyer for collections, contracts and wills. The less developed types make good routine civil service workers especially in the health and investigation departments.

Women born in the sign of Virgo are as precise, hardworking and trust worthy as their brothers in the sign. They are very satisfactory as clerical workers, housekeepers, seamstresses, buyers of foodstuffs. Virgo people usually take to their beds with desperately sick stomachs.

When your birthday comes in Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 23)

The sign of Leo presents us with the most spectacular personality in the zodiac. A superlative statement usually invites contradiction, but in this case a comparison of the different types will prove this characterization to be correct.

The Aries person, nearest to the Leo makeup, does not have the majesty, the regality, and ability to command respect combined with love, so much a part of the Leo personality. If Aries natives are princes of the zodiac, Leo natives are the kings. 

The sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun, reflects the character plainly shown in the symbol of the sign, Leo, the Lion .  They are kingly people, heroic, and generous. In appearance, they have a noble carriage. They are poised, commanding and gracious. The shape of  the head is good, being neither too large nor too small. The features are usually high-bred, the eye fine, and hair tawny, golden or red. The figure is exceedingly elegant, and the limbs and extremities very finely modeled. 

In this sign, as in Aries the deviation from the high type is just a step down. Sometimes it is several steps down, but in any case, the primitive Leo type is a sort of  caricature of the noble type, but has rather a fleshy bulging figure heavy and pompous in effect. 

The high type of Leo personality is strongly executive.  They have a natural command of any situation and can give orders, speaking frankly, and criticizing freely, often offending by bluntness rather than ill will. 

There is no ill will in the Leo nature, and nothing small or petty either. Natives simply never see any reason to withhold an opinion, whether flattering or harsh. Despite the fact that because of this quality they are super critical, their employees or domestics adore them, and work willingly, with a real  effort  to please and serve.

To Leo, the best the world offers is naturally his’ not only for self-aggrandizement, although that does enter into it, but because the Leo instinct seeks the highest honors, the best job, the first place, and “tops” in everything. 

Too often this is a just choice. The Leo intellectual equipment is sound. They have a natural comprehension of human problems, are generous and understanding, and have a lot of ”heart”.

From early youth upward they are not plodding students or even searchers after intellectual or abstract truth. That is the work Libra, or Sagittarius or even Aquarius. But Leo is the sign from which the instinctively emotional humanitarian springs. He loves people and life, and his’ leadership springs from the force of his’ will power to communicate this to the world. The world trusts and respects Leo. 

These people are not the eternally precocious child type. This sign seeks early maturity, and plunges into the problems of life with zest and enthusiasm. 

In the business world, Leo persons fill high executive positions. They often rise to the presidency of a bank, great industrial enterprises. In politics especially, Leo types shine. In this department they can fulfill their Zest for leadership. The theatre or any theatrical enterprise is, however the very best choice for Leo. The sign rules amusement centers, and Leo qualities seek a field that gives them close contact with an audience. They make the ideal impresario. Many famous matinee idols were born in Leo, or had Leo in some important spot in the natal chart. 

The advertising business too has certain branches, namely contact and sales, where impressive Leo types are successful. Whatever the Leo profession in the life, it had best be dominant, Original and somewhat sensational. 

On the negative side, the Leo personality, when primitive, is that of a swaggering bully. He blusters noisily in the business and home life. The truest description of this type is the Lion in “The Wizard of oz” “who upon the mildest counter attack, broke down and sang, “If I only had the nerve.” “ Alas, this is all too true, for the low Leo type is a braggart, a show off and a faker. 

Leo is the sign of love. Other signs have a love ruler ship, but it is a different kind of love. The Taurus love, Venus ruled , has an affectionate, fruitful, womanly quality, material, but warm and enveloping, an atmosphere rather than a quality. The Libra love, Venus ruled, is the esthetic, discriminating love of mind. But Leo, ruled by the Sun controls the love nature and has the fiery, passionate love of the ideal lover, a man’s love, compelling, masterful, and absorbing. It is not fruitful in itself, but it inspires and promotes fruitfulness in others.

Leo is the sign of pleasures, sports and entertainments, gala occasions, fetes, picnics, etc. Every kind of enjoyment is ruled by Leo, and since everything connected with Leo is large fulsome and generous, Leo people are apt to over indulge. They often eat too much. The uncontrolled Leo types are warned against the use of drugs. 

The Leo physique is sturdy and robust. It needs to be to stand  the drains of the Leo temperament. They over work. They undertake, somewhat like Aries people, tasks beyond human strength. They frequently dissipate in one way or another. They seldom heed warnings and drive themselves into nervous breakdowns. This type fills the sanatoriums seeking diets and rest cures. Leo rules the heart, spine and generative organs. It can easily be seen that a sudden end can be the result of unrestrained Leo desires. 

Mars is very powerful in Leo, and this influence brings ( as in Aries) rashness and a susceptibility to accidents. Since Leo people love life more than some of the other Zodiacal types, it might be advisable to use temperance in physical habits, and control all rash inclinations.

Leo woman are gorgeous. Many of them are the picturesque red or golden – haired beauties of stage and screen. Even those not in the public eye are often lovely to look at with poise and outstanding ability of some sort. They too tend toward leadership. They may shine in the business world, but the professional world, especially the theatre, offers the ideal opportunities. 

The Leo woman makes a fine wife. Full of passion and fire, she is loyal, responsive, and cooperative. Her energy is boundless, capabilities legion, and her appearance always a credit to her’ husband. However, she is an expensive luxury, dressing extravagantly, and expecting a setting of costly jewels, furs, a fine home, and everything that makes a splendid show. 

The primitive type of Leo woman has the proverbial “red headed temper” Storms of unreasonable anger will be her’ family’s daily portion. She never reasons, but acts wholly on the spur of the moment. In her the fine Leo pride becomes arrogance and her blind conceit makes her a noisy, bumptious, gadabout needless to add she is always overdressed. 

The Leo lover and the Leo husband have several qualities in common. They are conventionally minded men, but whole-souled in their devotion to the beloved. They are ardent, passionate,  generous and give of themselves so completely, that the return of devotion always seems small and inadequate in comparison. This is very sad for Leo, who in consequence feels unloved and unsatisfied. If the wife, children or sweetheart of these Leo men could only realize how much emotional damage they do by unresponsiveness, they would change their attitude and give as heartily as they receive. 

Leo people are naturally vital, and they do have a tendency to extremes. 

When your birthday comes in Cancer (Jun 22 - Jul 22)

In consequence, the Cancer types are the most moody, sensitive types,  impressionable of all the people of the Zodiac. They are whimsical, brooding, fanciful personalities, strongly instinctive, but very timid, and un willing to face realities. 

This is especially true of the feminine Cancer type. Perhaps at this point it might be advisable ti classify the two varieties of this sign. One type might be called the masculine, the other the feminine. The masculine,  or active type differs in positive or active ways from the feminine or passive type. 

The feminine type finds the harsh struggle for existence too much for its soft make-up. These people cannot find the strength to pit themselves against the world, and they seek the security of something stable upon which to pin their faith as well as their place in the world. 

The home with its background of protective mother love is a sacred shrine for the Cancer person of both types. The feminine type feels safety and a haven from the harsh world of reality. The masculine type reveres the meaning of home in all of the traditional suggestions of the word. 

Both types have a great reverence for the past, and an exaggerated idea of its virtues. They see only glamorous living conditions in the Golden Age; that is, they recognize only the golden part. To them,, the past means the “good old days”. “no matter how clear it is to the world of today that they were also” the bad old days”.

The symbol of Cancer, The Crab, with its hard, protective shell, clinging tenacious claws and spasmodic movements, is a key to the Cancer character. They want to be shielded, protected, and given their own way, petted by the world, so that no breath of opposition adds to the problems of life.

Cancer people are responsive, full of sympathy for suffering or misfortune, and they respond with  ready generosity to charitable appeals. This same instinct makes it possible for imposters to  take advantage of them, as they would rather err on the side of giving too much than to refuse help because of doubt or skepticism. 

Cancer people of the masculine type make good relief workers, and the charity that has Cancer native at the head is usually well financed, with a large bank account. A cancer director of this sort organizes appeals to the public, and always manages to make successful demands on the public pocket. The hospital or day nursery run by the Cancer influence is always in funds. 

These people are good soap-box orators. Any cause strong enough to capture their interest will give them a crusading spirit. Considering the natural timidity of the sign-character this is an admirable attitude, as it costs the native a great deal to be so whole-souled and courageous when he is really frightened to death. 

Cancer types are good business people despite the fact that the business world of today is an uncertain, adventurous world, full of new conditions and the very opposing pitfalls that Cancer fears above all things,  they are more often wealthy and successful than the opposite. They are so insinuating and devious, and work in such a quiet undercover way, that their purpose is accomplished before then very forces of opposition that they fear so much are aware of what is happening. This is not dishonest, as it sounds, (although such methods can be used for crooked ends), but it is the natural way for Cancer persons to evade the things they cannot fight. Their temperament, shaped by the Moon and Neptune, does not permit them to use the positive force of Aries or Leo. 

World commerce, especially lines of exchange, or trading, wholesale business of all kinds, and the manipulation of unions, or group workers are the best fields for the Cancer capabilities. 

The arts always get a percentage of  Cancer natives. It can be readily understood that the Moon’s influence plus the spiritual Neptune urge would produce the temperament of artists in many fields. Whether the Cancer talents develop is largely a matter of the strength in the individual horoscope. This quality of persistently chipping away bits of a hard task, naturally part of Cancer’s makeup; do aid in the final success. All of Cancer’s creative work , whether in the realm of  poetry, prose, music or painting, has emotional appeal, spiritual value, and fanciful artistic style.

After suggestions of this sort it is somewhat of a disappointment to learn that the typical Cancer personal appearance is not artistic, or even pleasing. The masculine type is large, poorly proportioned, without symmetry or grace. Cloths hang on Cancer bodies in an untidy way, giving a half dressed appearance. They move with uncertain, hesitant gait of the Crab. The eyes are pale and full, and never look like the eyes of a healthy person. The hair, light or dark, is sheen less and sparse. The female type is shorter, but just as badly built. Modifications of the type that greatly improve this picture are happily, frequent. 

The Cancer influence is not one of health or vigor. The sign is not necessarily short-lived, but all through the life the vitality is low, and there is little resistance to disease. The Stomach is weak and the appetite large, so that possible illness is increased by poor health habits. 

This sign is decidedly religious. To the masculine type the mystery of life is a deeply spiritual urge, and they are constantly delving into problems of the soul and the depths of the unknown. The feminine type has not the initiative to think beyond the small limits of ever day life. 

The domestic hearth is very important to the Cancer native. Marriage a part of this  department, is treated seriously by Cancer men and women. Well aspected, they rever home life and enjoy their family. Unlike the Taurus home it is not always beautiful or even well equipped, but it has an old-fashioned charm very dear to the Cancer people themselves. The Cancer husband may be fussy and exacting, but he is also warm and affectionate. The Cancer wife may be moody changeable, tearful, possessive, and passionate in her demands on the time and efforts of her family, but she is also sincerely devoted, and her intensity is very genuine. 

The weakest type of Cancer woman is so unable to cope with life, so spineless, and totally unable to make a positive effort in any direction, that she all too frequently stops trying. In this sign are found a great  many ” Ladies of the Evening”. 

At present and for at least five years to come, people with birthdays in the sign of Cancer will endure forced separations from relatives and loved ones. There will be dramatic partings. Persons near and dear will be scattered over the universe, their whereabouts shrouded in mystery-the duration of their pilgrimage, a secret. The heart of the native may be lonely, constantly seeking communion with the LOST and the DEPARTED. 

When your birthday comes in Gemini ( May 21 - June 21)

The sign of Gemini, light as the air that gives it character, is the sign of the dual personality. The average Gemini person is not the extreme case of split personality, where  the subject dramatically changes from good Dr. Jekyll, to evil Mr. Hyde. But the Gemini native has, more than any other kind of person two distinct natures. They blow hot and cold, are “ with you, and against you,” or they are sunshine and showers. All of these variable dispositions are found in Gemini more than in any other Zodiacal type.

At best they are many-faceted people, sparkling, brilliant, and hard, like diamonds. They have the mental qualities inspired by the sign ruler, Mercury, fleet-footed messenger of the GOD’s. This influence makes them intellectual, analytical, full of wit and accomplishments. The Gemini mind is impersonal, and never guided in decisions by emotions or even qualities of right or wrong. But they do have a very wide stripe of common sense in their makeup. They can think problems out for other people, for their approach is always rational, though cold.

Again the influence of Mercury makes them very capable people. They can turn a hand to anything, and do it well. They always have a professional touch, and are nimble-fingered, skillful and adroit. They move quickly and gracefully, and are impatient with anything but high speed. 

If a Gemini native is not employed in mental work, or some intellectual pursuit, but is found working at a skilled trade, more than likely it will be where great delicacy and dexterity are essential. More often Gemini people are found in the legal profession, or writing for the newspapers. They make fine surgeons, dentists, or engineers, electrical and mechanical. They are adapted to radio mechanics, or  Airplane manufacture, for this sign is air-minded. They are also very mathematical, and make excellent certified public accountants. Many financial manipulators come from the sign of Gemini, and though to them the risks seem certainties, several fraudulent schemers have built up miraculous fortunes, only to have the law overtake them, to show up the airy miscalculations of their plan. A certain Mr. Ponzi, of doubtful fame was a native of Gemini who tangled himself up in one of these ventures.

The natives of this sign are socially in demand. Their temperament makes them appear gay and charming, even when within themselves they are not at all interested. They always appear sociable, and really do add to the success of any group, for they are witty and poised and highly stimulated by society.

They are usually very well informed, and apparently have plenty of information on any subject mentioned. This is not always true, but Gemini thinks so quickly and speaks so fluently that  a very superficial knowledge goes a long way. 

It is in a sense remarkable that these natives enjoy social popularity, for they are sharp-tongued and gossiping. Gemini people spread rumors, and they could fill a scandal sheet with tit-bits of gossip. Some serious back fires, and lively revenge has been the result of this loose chatter.

Gemini people are often good looking in a clear-featured, smart way. They have small neat features, nicely patterned in a long head. Their mien is animated and wide-awake, expressive of great intelligence. They are usually slender, and often very thin. They are exceedingly nervous, impatient and variable in manner and mood. This impatience is not the kind met with in the Aries native, who is restless because he cannot get his’ work done fast enough, but the Gemini impatience is rather the impatience of a bored person who having started one thing, is now weary and desirous of starting something else. 

The negative Gemini type has all of the detachment and coolness of his’ higher intellectual brother, but it falls to the degree of calculated cunning. This type often provides stock swindlers, confidence men, counterfeiters, forgers, and alas, blackmailers. The Gemini woman of the lower orders is the perfect gold digger. Her type appears to be the fragile pure Madonna who needs a strong arm to lean on because the hard world offends her matchless purity. Actually, this type is just cold rather than pure, but one effect can sometimes mask another. 

The health of Gemini natives is usually excellent. They appear to be rather fragile, or at least delicate, but this is not the case. Doubtless that impression is created by the fact that they are so nervous and thin, and apparently wear themselves down to the bone. They seldom contract illnesses, and maintain a remarkably even grade of health. All this is true under average circumstances. With excessive strain, the lungs might be affected, as these are sensitive in Gemini. 

In love and marriage Gemini men  have the contrast of mild affections and sensual passions. The two qualities within this sign, have little in common. As a lover, the native is arch, flirtatious, teasing and boyish. He is seldom vitally interested, and even when he is attracted, another personality can quickly charm him. 

He is somewhat more satisfactory as a husband. Home ties do mean something to him, especially if he marries an intellectual companion. If however his’ wife is of the nagging, demanding, possessive type, the Gemini husband will not be able to endure it.  He is temperamentally unfit to endure constant pressure. When Gemini men have overbearing wives, they often leave home. When they do not take such strong measures, they become that sad object, a hen-pecked husband. 

Gemini women are exceedingly refined. They have a rare, unapproachable delicacy that is very attractive to wealthy men, who wish to have wives who suggest class and appear to be well bred. The disposition is sunny, the mind, active and agile, and the manner in society poised and charming. In private domestic life it is often a surprise to find so much animal passion in these fragile bird-like women. 

When your birthday comes in Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

If you were born in this sign, ruled by lovely Venus, you are bland, expansive, loving and contented, a fine contrast and balance wheel for the high strung types of the Zodiac. 

The Taureans make devoted husbands and loving wives, even though Taurean men and  some of the women have been described as immoral. Love is very real to them, and they find the appeal of physical charm over-powering. Nonetheless they take legal responsibilities seriously, and however the fancy may wander, they remain true to social and financial obligations throughout the life. 

The Taurean home is a happy place to live in, luxurious, comfortable and restful. Often, it is in the country, with beautiful scenery surrounding it. Home or business, with the Taurean , is always run with practical efficiency. 

The grace of Venus enriches Taurus characters to such an extent that they have the gift of making people welcomes so that many seek them out for the warmth of their companionship and the sincerity of their sympathy. One can always get advice from a Taurus person, and when it can be given, concrete financial help. He or She is generous, practical, worldly, and good. 

This type of Venus influence is exceedingly material and places a high value on money, property, position and popularity. Taureans like to fill their homes with hosts of people, for they are hospitable, but they will not fail to flatter the wealthy and beautiful far beyond the poor and obscure. They are Lion hunters, and like to be associated with the affluent and popular of the world. 

The primitive Taurus character is not such a happy product. Badly aspected, the low Taurus type is ruthless and destructive, brutish, and blind to reasoning. The primitive Taurus woman is mercenary, slovenly, over-indulgent and immoral. A Frowsy Venus. The lowest of these types are infrequent, and it is the handsome, dependable, well groomed Taurus native that we meet in daily life. 

Taurus people gravitate to the country, and find their occupation in farm life whenever possible. They make excellent farmers on a huge scale, developing fruit forms, ranches, live-stock and poultry farms. They are great experimenters with cattle and fruit in fact any growing thing, and are successful with modern dairies and produce of all kinds. 

It seems as though the Taurus person, desiring so much wealth and comfort, has been fitted by nature with the patience and endurance to pursue success until he gets it. These people are often lucky. They win out in big expensive gambling games, and frequently win valuable prizes. They are temperamentally fitted  for gambling, as they have steady nerves, great patience, and the much talked of “Poker face”.

In fact it is not only in gambling that some of these qualities are revealed. Taureans are the most patient people of all the Zodiac types, and will work and wait interminably for anything that they happen to want, especially if it is money or love. Their determination is colossal, and their ability to absorb insult just as great. If they are thrown out of one door they are sure to try the other. It is the force that wins. 

The lower type of Taurus person makes an admirable servant. They are not debased  by servitude, and their humbleness has a natural warmth that is not servile. They enjoy serving, and are faithful to the end. 

The highest type of Taurean is not at all intellectual, but even when measured by the exacting standards of to-day their sense of beauty is of the highest type. High art decrees that no object can be truly beautiful that is not useful as well. All of the Taurean possessions including the home are built on this plan. It must be that the earth, which is exalted in the sign of Taurus, combined with the ruler ship of Venus brings about instinctive knowledge of what is beautiful. 

In appearance the Taurus person is apt to be solidly built, but rather stocky. The men have tremendous strength, virility and endurance. Their bodies are the big-shouldered type with bulging muscles. The features are fleshy, and the complexion clear and exquisite. The whole face flushes readily, and the eyes, large and clear, sparkle with health. This applies to both sexes. 

The health of Taureans is robust. Their natural relation to the earth seems to give them this almost superhuman strength and endurance. When illness does overtake them, they are ashamed to admit their weakness. To Taureans illness is a weakness, and they often endure a complaint until they can  no longer throw it off. Then recovery is very slow, for the recuperative powers are not sufficient for resistance. The Taureans’ throat is their most sensitive organ. They suffer from illness of the throat and contract any complaint affecting that organ. The Taurus people of both sexes are naturally suited for matrimony and domestic life. Although as it has been pointed out, the senses may stray, the sense of obligation in a material way never deserts them. Besides, they are affectionate people, warm and loving and the inconsistency of variety does not upset them. 

The Taurus woman has a very loving and beautiful character. She blossoms with kind treatment and adores luxury. Her best qualities of contentment, affection, consideration, and gracious loving service come out when she marries a well to-do man. It is not so much that she is mercenary, although the low, primitive Taurean  is that too, but she is usually beautiful, or has the qualities of beauty, and she has learned to value herself. This is not vanity, but an old-fashioned feeling that she must be sheltered catered to, and protected. In return, the Taurus wife and mother blends into the domestic background even better than the cancer wife, who has her moody, exacting, over-sensitive, teary moments. 

Among Taurus charm is sometimes found a lovely singing voice. The throat, governed by this sign, frequently gives the world wonderful singers. 

When your birthday comes in Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

Aries is the 1st sign of the zodiac and represents the spring time of life. Mars is the  ruler and he starts the battle as a shining young soldier on fire with the principle of the Holy Grail.

Aries are natural leaders, with the courage, energy, and originality necessary to inspire followers. They are often top heavy with personality, and are  well able to carry out all of their plans. That they begin ventures and leave the finishing to others is also of the Aries character. They start great things, and are the “Doers” of the world, but other great ideas inspire them before their work is completed. This quality is acceptable when they have become the exalted of the earth, where there are plenty of minions to do the detail work. 

However, the sign produces two types of persons, both as to appearance and character; the pure type, which is noble, and the mixed, which is weak, futile, sheep like, and in all things a faint copy of his’ classic brother. 

Physically, the pure Aries type is a proud looking person, with a fine carriage, and a clean high-bred profile. They have beautifully shaped facial bones and a bold prominent nose. Their coloring is fair tawny, with cool blue eyes. A great many red-heads are found among Aries. They have muscular bodies and move with agile grace, suggestive of tremendous energy and virility. 

The pure Aries type of man, having all of the above characteristics, is handsome but unapproachable. “Hard To Get” is the popular term. The Aries woman has a frosty, aristocratic style of beauty.

The mixed Aries type follows this description much diluted. A blend is produced by a weak Sun or a powerful Moon and a strong Ascendant. Any number of combinations can modify a type. 

A little softening of the dominant Aries nature can be good thing, for the Aries person is hard to live with. They are so violent, demanding and aggressive that despite all of the excitement with which life with Aries natives is filled, the strain of keeping pace with them is too great. Therefore it is easy to see how a gracious Libra Moon, or even a gentle Cancer influence, or a noble Sagittarian Ascendant might mellow the temper of the Aries character. 

But if you are an Aries person, you may expect to find yourself basically as described here fearless, ardent, energetic, vital, inventive, intellectual and idealistic on the good side of the ledger. On the bad side, there will be impatience, rashness, temper, violence, and emotional storms. 

It is quite true that great leaders have come from the Aries group, in all fields of endeavor, so that an Aries person with the will to stick  to a task until it is completed, has many opportunities in life. 

Although the Aries fertile mind lives all through the life, the Aries person seldom accumulates money until middle age. They may make plenty of money when quite young, but if seldom has a chance to pile up until late in life. They are extravagant people, not so much because they coddle and baby themselves-they never do that but because beautiful surroundings, smart clothes, and a generally luxurious front make them feel powerful and confident, and more able to succeed in their work. No spur of necessity for them. 

More than one marriage is often necessary to find happiness for the Aries man and woman. They are not easy to live with and when very young make unsuitable selections of sweetheart or mate. If events make it possible for them to make a choice of a mate when they are about thirty-five years old, the chances of choosing wisely are good. It must be remembered that they bring a vital spark into marriage that makes them interesting partners “ Never A Dull Moment” has been used to describe the Aries partner.

More Aries suffer from accidents than natives of any other sign of the zodiac. Especially accidents to the head and face. They must always be more careful when driving planes, motor cars, power boats, or any speedy craft, than any other person undertaking the same task. This is also true of the Aries person in sports, especially games where there is an element of danger. For the native of any other sign it is a sporting chance;  for Aries, it is a risk. They shine but they take a chance. 

Aries people are poor gamblers. By this we mean that they are unfitted by temperament and planetary conditions for any game of chance where money can be won or lost.  They seldom win, and almost always lose. If the game were such that it could be won by plans- schemes and logical thought- the Aries native could win, but where the Angels of chance preside, Aries is OUT. Definitely, he is not their “Baby”.  

Although qualities of early youth remain with Aries people until old age, they are not among the very old people of the zodiac. Frequently they wear themselves out before their time. They should heed warnings against over-eating as age advances. They should go in for plain food, moderately sized meals and quieter lives, else apoplexy will result. They can lengthen their lives if they  will toned things down as the years pile up. 

Advantages were mere meagre  if  Saturn relationship to the Aries Sun as interpreted by sign and house.  

When Saturn is in cancer the type of vitality  generated by this position is profitable, but it has it’s drawbacks. Many Aries people will become the head of their house, home, business or both. It is a remote lonely position, (as what seat of authority is not) where the native is burdened with  responsibility. However money is comparatively plentiful and obligations can be met with dignity. 

When Saturn co-joins Pluto in Leo, this brings crystallization. It means Aries people have reached spiritual, Physical and material stability. It is a momentous position in relation to the sign of Aries.