The sign of Capricorn has no graces. The native is rather like one of those royal babies of old who were neglected in the cradle by all twelve of the fairy godmothers. However, the sign is seldom found unmodified, and much of the severity is softened by the influence of other planets.
In the pure state, the type is austere, super-critical, fault finding and overbearing. They are dissatisfied, no matter what the recompense. They can find something to criticize in everyone else, although they view their own accomplishments as almost perfect.
Even the appearance of the pure Capricorn type is unprepossessing. They are bony, angular, and spare of figure. The bones are large, and the physique, although very healthy, has an ill-assorted look, as if some clumsy hand had fitted the limbs together. The expression is dour, Saturnine, and seldom relieved by spontaneous laughter. The coloring is very dark, and the whole personality pervaded by a shade of melancholy.
These people do not realize the depressing effect that they have upon others. They think of themselves as exceedingly accomplished, and much above their associates. They think that their eternal criticism is superior discernment, and that no one measures up to their own standards. In their secret hearts, bosses, friends and relatives are greatly beneath them, and they constantly pity themselves for being thus afflicted with the small minds around them.
Actually their mental equipment is good, and they have a vigorous intellect well able to help them succeed in business. They have a fine comprehension of how to do business in the serious, less imaginative, routine way. Instinctively they realize that they have no capacity for the inventive, the new or the original, and they seek to belittle these qualities in others, by exalting routine, and exaggerating the virtues of the true and tried. Because of the general skepticism where innovations are concerned their conservatism often without over the ideas of better men. They are quick to seize an advantage as fair play is not one of their virtues.
The Capricorn native is a useful person in business, despite the aforementioned faults. He can be depended upon to follow his’ routine and complete his’ tasks with enviable exactitude. His’ attendance is perfect and he never misses any of his’ duties. If in charge of investments, provided the account is directed, he will carry out instructions to the letter. Money is never misappropriated, and a fine satisfactory account is rendered whenever called for. The Capricorn financial judgment is apt to be too conservative for real profits. Natives are miserly people by instinct, and cannot relax this tendency even when paid to make money for someone else.
No matter what field of endeavor they adopt for the life work, it is always taken with great seriousness. Nothing is ever light or trifling to these people, and the smallest tasks in their hands assume great importance.
They are exceedingly ambitious people and think of the highest positions as theirs by right. It is remarkable that with such a stilted type of ability they can go through life always believing that the best should be theirs, but the Capricorn self-confidence is only equaled by selfishness.
While they are pursuing their course, bent upon attaining their ends, they can exist on less money than any other type of personality. The mountain goat, symbol of the sign, lives a hazardous existence on a few dry twigs while the only home it knows is a series of uneven crags that it clings to, surefooted and confident. This is an accurate description of the Capricorn native’s struggle for existence and his’ method of meeting the problem. He can adjust himself to any hardship to attain an end. His’ nature repels luxury or even the average pleasures and social contacts so necessary to the wellbeing of other Zodiacal types.
Capricorn people seek no friends, as they distrust almost everyone, and are so old for their age, whatever it happens to be, that it is hard to know into what group they rightfully belong.
They do not avoid marriage, however but accept it as part of our inherited scheme of life. They are passionate and demanding in home life, getting a great deal of attention and respect in view of their company and lack of inspiration in everything that they have to offer. Indeed, iit is seldom that they offer anything, but they expect instant obedience from their children, and enthusiastic affection from their wives. They distrust everyone in their home, and are always suspiciously investigating to see if they can uncover some disloyalty directed against them. It may be that instinctively and secretly they realize their shortcomings, and judge accordingly that such poverty of temperament cannot expect true devotion. Regardless of all this, their homes are seldom broken up, and all the conditions of severity and servitude that they exact of others are more often than not cheerfully fulfilled. The Capricorn parent of either sex is a type often commented on by other parents.”You See”, they say, “The less you do for children, the more they do for you”.
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