Saturday, June 19, 2021

Pisces - What kind of spouse are you?



The PISCES husband is full of doubtful benefits to the home and wife. He is one of the most loving and attentive of men considerate thoughtful the eternal escort showering his wife with courtesy. 

He spends more time in the home than any other type save perhaps the CANCER husband but he is not a good provider and although he goes through the motion of giving to his wife he often has nothing material to give. And what is worse it is impossible to arouse him to a sense of reality. This sense of reality overdone with several of the other signs is entire lacking in the PISCEAN. His notions dreams and misconceptions are more real to him than the difficulties of living which are almost impossible to conquer and therefore immediately substituted by him for a phantom world.

These qualities in a husband are most distressing especially with the struggle for existence staring the household in the face. Naturally every PISCEAN husband is not incompetent as other aspects in the birth figure help to build up the personal energy. The main fault with this configuration for all of those qualities so necessary for the family provider. If this type of man happens to have sufficient direction in his nature to guide him to the kind of work for which he is best suited and he has the fight to persist until he is successful he will then make a very good husband since the softer qualities are so dominant in his nature.

The PISCES husband is very sensual and seeks a sympathetic response to his physical nature. The call off his senses can be dangerously perverted by self- indulgence or he may be just highly sexed according to other figures in the birth scheme. In any case he is the type of man whom sexual satisfaction is important and he seeks it persistently all of his life.


The PISCES woman is ideally adapted for the domestic life. She is not as active as many of the other types or as capable but her spiritual qualities and emotional responses far outclass most of the other Zodiacal types. For this reason many men might be willing to sacrifice personal comfort for the spiritual and emotional escape provided by the companionship of this type of woman.

Not that the PISCES woman is incompetent for she herself has a great sense of comfort and is thoughtful of others studying the home so that it will be a restful luxurious place of refuge. But very often she has not the energy or the practicality to carry out her good intentions.

If the PISCES wife should be of the self – indulgent type beautiful perhaps and talented she may dream away the days idly seeking entertainment or what is more dangerous erotic sensational pleasures which she fancies can be found among spiritualistic mediums and faddy religious cults. The very worst results come from indulgences of this kind.

Sometimes the health of the PISCES wife is delicate and then it takes the utmost strength of will to keep her optimistic and wholesome mentally. 

The negative side of the sensitive PISCES nature is not inviting but when the type is more robust the women make the kindest most loving devoted and sympathetic of wives. They are extremely responsive and this tends to make them very good mates in the physical sense of the world. They are adaptable and experimental and their concept of sex is high and beautiful far above the average.

Aquarius - What kind of spouse are you?



The Aquarian husband is the kindest and most generous of all the types. The generosity of the Leo man and even the Aries man is advertised but it is oppressive compared to the open – handed spirit the giving without thought of return or reward that is part of the character of the Aquarian husband.

Aquarian men are not ardent lovers that is not unless some other planetary configurations stimulate this urge. But since they are gracious social kindly people they accept marriage as part of the domestic scheme and co operative as they are make a great success of it. Their success consists of their own attitude which contributes a great deal toward harmony in the home.

They are considerate men perfect gentlemen in every way treating their wives and family with the same consideration and courtesy that they accord to strangers.

The draw back in their marital relationship appears to be their impersonal nature. Women seem to prefer the possessive some what selfish dominance of the more personal types to the broad minded attitude of the Aquarian husband. His impersonality appears to many women like lack of interest and as self centered wives they want the whole attention of their husband. It has been said that the Aquarian’s universal interest will one day be the attitude of the entire world but in the mean time the domestic life of such men will be far more successful if married to a highly intellectual woman whose work in the world is as important as their own broad interest.


The Aquarian woman is one of the highest of the zodiacal types but she does not slip into matrimony with the ease of a sensitive little Cancer woman or an insinuating Pisces woman and yet the Aquarian woman is better equipped for marriage than either of the two types mentioned.

She is better equipped in that she is a capable intellectual woman discerning adaptable and often very talented. She has a man’s ability to accomplish a day’s work without grumbling or fatigue and coupled with her undoubted ability to be a good housekeeper she is like the Sagittarian woman a very fine companion.

She attracts people and her easy friendly manners make her home a social center. Her interests are apt to be wide and it never occurs to her to watch the husband’s actions with suspicion or try to check up on how he spends his’ spare time. Naturally she trusts him. Her own behavior is above reproach. Aquarian women are the kindest in the world and they would rather suffer themselves than create a condition from which some one else might have grief and sorrow. However basically the Aquarian woman is unconventional and should her urge for a change of partners be sufficiently justified she would make the change.

Emotionally she is responsive but her intellect rules her and she is the most appreciated as a wife when married to an intellectual man whose work she can share and who is able to use her undoubted abilities in his own behalf.

Capricorn - What kind of spouse are you?


The Capricorn husband falls in readily enough with domestic scheme but adds little to its spiritual success. This type of man usually marries but his reasons are supremely selfish. Of course selfishness has been ascribed to plenty of other kinds of men but the basic nature of Capricorn is selfish.

As husbands these men are good providers for they are ambitious and successful in business most of the time. They do not allow much freedom of action to their wives so that even if there is plenty of money in the home the wife is not free to spend it. A Capricorn husband is very dictatorial as well as conservative and lays down hard and fast rules for the spending of his money. In fact the entire household is directed by this type of husband to whom his wife is a lieutenant. As a commanding officer he is exacting tyrannical obstinate and unreasonable laying down laws for the family routine that may be in accordance with good discipline but wholly unsympathetic to a happy home.

He is generally not a good emotional companion for his wife having neither the ability nor the willingness to give even a part of himself to create an atmosphere of enjoyment much less to add to the real pleasure of the moment. He demands that everything be given to him and examines whatever he gets with caution and suspicion. He would never believe that some contribution from himself was necessary to heighten his own enjoyment and he would never be willing to give of himself even if convinced. His passions are strong but quick and he considers them entirely animal to be satisfied and disposed of without development or delicacy.

Naturally the harsh tone that this birth figure casts over a personality is usually tempered by the other configurations. In that case many of the sober Capricorn qualities are embellished by softer moods making of course a much more agreeable person.


The sign of Capricorn does not favor women. That is not in the sense of creating a womanly woman intuitive sensitive variable and spiritual. The Capricorn woman is rather masculine in her appearance and in her temperament as well. She is capable faithful dependable and systematic.

Household routine is a joy to her and she is one of the finest housekeepers of all of the Zodiacal types. She is a cook she is an economist she is somewhat of a hostess and she is very ambitious for her husband’s and children’s success in the world.

With all of these necessary virtues brought to such a high scale of perfection it is somewhat odd that the Capricorn wife is not advertised from the house tops as being the ideal of wives.

What the Capricorn female personality lacks is the soft feminine sympathy the plaint submissiveness and the physical responsiveness of the Libra or the Pisces woman. The emotional generosity of the Aries or the Leo woman is absent. Even the hearty comradeship of the Sagittarian woman is not there. In its place we find the efficient trained house keeper scrupulous in her integrity and a slave to her duty.

Many men prefer less perfection and more warmth. In many ways this is all very unfair to the Capricorn wife. She is really an admirable kind of women needing most of all encouragement and affection to call forth all of her deep loyalty which once given, lasts a lifetime.

Men of a more serious practical nature who do not seek spiritual or emotional companionship from their wives but wish their home life to run along smoothly rather like a high–class hotel will find this type of wife very satisfactory.

Sagittarius - What kind of spouse are you?



The Sagittarian husband requires a wise tactful wife. This may be true of all husbands but the men born with this birth figure have much to give and frequently the family, because they will not cater to innate peculiarities see the worst side of the character rather than the best which is so good. 

This type of man is not ideally fitted by nature for domestic life. His interests in world affairs are great and his profession or business is usually chosen from the depths of these interests. He loves humanity and takes an absorbing interest in social progress and the practical problems that confront his world or his community. He is very much of a public man. His basic mental strength goes into life in general so that life in particular that is his personal life becomes small childish and unimportant by comparison.

If his personal tastes change he sees no reason why he must continue to express a devotion that no longer exists and since love is like a rather sportive game to him he can see no special wrong in his change of preference.

Of course this is hard on married life where singleness of thought is the ideal and anything less stable makes for constant friction. The wife of this type of man had best be exceedingly broad minded free from jealousy and impersonal even if this is not natural to her. She will have to be a good deal of an actress to hold his’ interest in any case.

This is not meant to imply that the Sagittarian man does not stay married or that he does not make a good husband. On the contrary these are very gifted men with whom it is a privilege to live. But because of their lack of personal sense and their impatience with anything narrow or ordered in the life it is necessary for a wife of such a man to widen her own horizon so that she may see eye to eye with her husband.

The passions of the Sagittarian are lusty sportive and adventurous. They are joyous fellows and they treat love like a happy adventure. All of the emotions accompanying this birth figure are nervous and high – strung and demand immediate satisfaction.


The Sagittarian wife is the best fitted of all Zodiacal types to be a companion to her husband. This type of woman takes an intelligent interest in her husband’s business. She is not an intruder and has enough reserve to wait until she is asked for advice but when the confidences come she is not only a sympathetic listener but a useful adviser.

In the field of hobbies and sports she is a real pal. All outdoor life attracts her and she enjoys fishing hunting riding and even the competitive sports. A man does not have to search for a companion to enjoy his hobby with him if he is married to a Sagittarian woman. She is enthusiastic about all kinds of activity civic affairs social life Sportsmanship club life and intellectual advancement and she even enjoys a fling at gambling. It is easy to see that a husband can have a very full life with such a companion.

In the home this kind of wife is competent speedy in her house keeping efficient and sympathetic in the care of her children very clever and well balanced in all of her reactions to life. She is a woman to be trusted for her judgments are mature and her natural mental equipment sound.

A good percentage of athletic beauty goes with this birth position and these women are often tall handsome and smartly gowned. They demand an active life for there is nothing of the languid hothouse bloom about them. There is no petty jealousy in their make-up either and though they seek a wide circle of friends of both sexes they are canny enough to know how to avoid emotional complications. They seldom embarrass the husband with nagging suspicions and are quite apt to treat his passing preferences with tactful over sight.

These wives are not so tactful about the more everyday faults of living. They are outspoken in the extreme and both the husband and the children may expect to hear their errors frankly discussed very often for their own good.

The emotional nature of the Sagittarian woman is highly nervous. Her passions are healthy joyous and swift. She does not make a fetish of physical indulgence but she is rather highly sexed and demands stimulating adventurous excitement. Her responses are enthusiastic and her approach to physical love highly refined and inspiring.

Scorpio - What type of spouse are you?


The Scorpio man makes one of the most difficult husbands to live with in peace and harmony. The only way that this can be accomplished is for the wife of a Scorpio man to be receptive to his every thought and follow his instructions with complete obedience. He is the typical “OLD FASHIONED LORD OF THE MANOR” and is just as tyrannical and overbearing in his home as he in every other walk of life.

Many astrological warnings have been given against marriage for the Scorpio man with afflictions in his seventh house of marriage. He is considered too extreme in his reactions to the love life. But the temperament is such that no matter how forewarned these men will marry and tragedy is too often the result.

For the less extreme types there are more chances of happiness. The Scorpio man himself is often very successful and well able to support a wife and the large family he so desires. But his intensely personal passions and the highly possessive attitude of his devotion is a strain or the most devoted family.

In fact no matter how much love and attention he receives his nature is secretive and suspicious and he will always suspect deceptive conditions working against him. These conditions are wholly imaginative but he persists in inflaming himself with jealousy and dark inward resentments.

The depths of his affection for the wife and children are genuine indeed but he can’t seem to learn to be more pliable. Such selfish love is bound to cheat itself as the unhappy Scorpio man makes his stubborn way through life.

Sexual excesses are often a part of this sign character. The desires are gross and unnatural and demand satisfaction. As is the case with the women of the sign Scorpio men have a strong moral side to the character they suffer deeply for their indulgences and make inward promises of temperance after the appetites have been satisfied.


The Scorpio woman is a very primitive type and her deepest feminine instincts are aroused by the different functions of being a wife. She takes marriage very seriously and has an old-fashioned reverent attitude toward domestic responsibilities as long as she is in love with her husband. Should this condition change she follows without thought of consequences the dictates of her heart.

The best Scorpio wives are loyal and courageous needing no hot-house atmosphere to keep their love in bloom. They enjoy responsibility and a large family is a delight to them. These women are very capable but once they are settled in domestic life they put all of the management and energy of their passionate natures in to the home. They have the gift of home-making and frequently organize a much better home than Cancer women or the Taurus women who are famous for their instinct in home-making. The Scorpio woman loves luxury and has considerable taste in house furnishings and arrangement of the home.

The difference in the atmosphere of her surroundings lies in the intensity of her feelings. She is a blunt fearless character doing everything passionately from the depths of her being. Her devotion to her husband is whole-souled but she does not idolize those she loves. Her reactions to life are intensely realistic and she sees her man exactly as he is. Since she is neither shy diffident or tactful she expresses herself with the greatest force. Her sexual appetite is large and she requires vigorous satisfaction. The Scorpio person man or woman is inclined to excess and while the moral sense rebels against the animal appetites satisfaction usually comes first and repentance afterwards. It takes a very virile man with a deep sympathy for sexual indulgence to satisfy the Scorpio wife. 

Libra - What kind of spouse are you?


The Libra Husband is not an easy man to please. Temperamentally the sameness of domesticity is not to his liking but he is a very passionate man and a respecter of tradition hence marriage is the reasonable result. The Libra husband is reasonable he is a born judge and no other Zodiacal type can order the life with so much wisdom. His superior ability to guide the destiny of his home is one of his greatest virtues. Degenerate Libra characters do not have this power they have the surface smoothness but not the high intellectual development of which the best Libra men are capable. These men provide very well for their families and seem to feel with the intensity of a woman the necessity of elegance and luxury in the home surroundings

As has been said the Libra husband is apt to be a very passionate man. His whole attitude toward love differs from the response made by the rest of the Zodiac. To the Libran love is a high art. His passions are overwhelming and he rises to great heights in the expressions of his love nature. This type of husband would be deeply disappointed if he did not meet with a satisfactory response to his passions. Even when the domestic partner is agreeable he might be tempted to seek variety but this is merely variety of expression. The Libra husband does not seek divorce unless the conditions of his life are non-adjustable. He has an instinctive distrust of the untried and will strain his fastidious taste.


One of the most interesting love natures is found in either sex of the Libra person. The sign has a decided feminine leaning with the highest Venus influence prevailing. These women have a delicate spiritual appeal. They are ideal wives for wealthy successful men who are stimulated by union with a woman who is like an orchid. This type of wife looks exotic and designs a background for herself in keeping with her rare exquisite personality. Actually these women are not as fragile as they appear. The Libra wife is a fine mental companion wise in the ways of partnership and well able to bring harmony into the home life.

One of her special gifts is this talent for harmony. She has an instinctive knowledge of how to get along with people and attracts an interesting social circle. At the same time she never neglects her own family but gives them all the loving attention of which her gracious nature is capable.

The Libra wife is distinctly a luxury. She is usually very attractive and always has a group of admirers seeking her favors. While she requires a varied social life she is too well balanced to encourage indiscriminate flirtation but if she were to find herself emotionally involved her response would never be underhanded. This type of woman does not encourage scandal. Because she is so attractive her life is sometimes more complicated than the existence of the plainer woman but a husband can always feel confident that she will rise to the occasion.

As has been intimated the Libra woman is the type who makes a lovely sheltered wife. Her passions are voluptuous and demand a “QUALITY SETTING“ . She is responsive intuitive and intellectual. Her passionate response to married life is extremely satisfying and in many respects she is the best suited of all of the Zodiacal types to be a wife in the strictly personal sense of the word. 

Virgo - What kind of spouse are you?



Almost the only kind of wife for the Virgo husband is the Virgo wife. These men are not interested in love in the passionate personal possessive sense of the term. They are usually conventional traditionally minded men who accept domesticity because it is part of the social scheme. They are willing to conduct private life on a partnership basis as if it were a commercial enterprise. In many cases they would prefer to be bachelors and this sign does produce the bachelor by natural inclination. They are so abstemious that they can not bear to indulge even themselves. Stinginess a vice that has kept many a man from matrimony is present in either a small or large degree in the Virgo nature.

As husbands they mare much like the women of the type. The high quality Virgoan is a capable man making comfortable provision for his wife and family. If he is fussy critical peevish or complaining (especially about health and expenses) he iis also composed kindly thoughtful and conscientious. He safeguards his home and is careful to protect it from material disaster.

Unless there are other stimulating factors in the horoscope the Virgo husband is not virile. He has little male dominance in his make-up and is as loath to demand surrender as he is ti give himself. He does not have a passionate urge and his deepest approach to love is flirtation or a play at love. Erotic flights of passion would never be attempted by him and his point ;of view toward even average sexual performance is not enthusiastic.


Contrary to all the analysis of Virgo the woman when she does marry she makes an excellent wife. That is in certain respects. Her concept of marriage is the legal partnership idea to be carried out as a smoothly – running business. She is usually capable and arranges her housekeeping routine perfectly. The home is spotless [everything seems to remain new] and the cooking excellent. She is vigilant and efficient - in fact she is everything that can make a home run like a well regulated machine. There is no such thing as waste or neglect in her home for the wife is as they say “ ON THE JOB”.

Her disposition is not so good. Perhaps all of this routine is a strain even when the nature is attuned to it. In any case the Virgo wife is apt to be fussy nagging meticulous to a fault and all of this regarding the most material matters usually the running of this home that is nursed so tenderly. The Virgo wife guards the family purse jealously in extreme cases she is very stingy and in all of her responses to life she shows the same parsimonious attitude.

Emotionally this type of woman is often way below par. She responds to all of the outward routines of life and meets traditional duties extraordinarily well. But the spiritual companionship and emotional ecstasy so necessary in a wife is more often than not entirely absent. She has in her makeup selfish coldness that resents demands more personal warmth much as if such qualities if she had them would never be shared with anyone. It is doubtful if the Virgo wife ever recovers from her maiden beliefs that sex is base and that she is descending when she accedes to her husband’s physical necessities. A very clever man who was deeply in love might alter this frame of mind but since the Virgo woman seldom inspires that intensity of passion her best hope is for a mate as restrained practical and material as herself. In such an environment she makes a very successful wife.

Leo - What kind of spouse is you?



The Leo man fits into the scheme of domestic life quite smoothly. Usually he is a good and very generous provider desiring his wife and family to shine in the community. He is tremendously proud of not only them but himself and he wants them to have the best of everything. For himself he demands the center of the stage and expects the home life to revolve around him like planets around the SUN. He is very affectionate loving and devoted in his manner but he will not tolerate disrespect or insubordination.

The Leo husband is fixed in his opinions about what is due him from wife and children. His love is deeply romantic and very absorbing but he considers that he is a law unto himself. Naturally very passionate (although perfectly normal in his love nature) if he wishes to seek romantic adventure outside of his home he does so without scruple. But his attitude toward life is so conventional that he would never tolerate a wife who behaved in a similar manner. She must be above suspicion and as the Leo men are acute judges of character and fastidious to a fault they usually select wives who meet with their high standards of perfection.

The average Leo man makes a fine husband. His generosity kindness loving disposition and passionate loyalty in the big issues of life plus his really great heart make him a very safe and satisfying kind of husband for the feminine clinging type of woman.


The Leo wife is a splendid type of woman for a worldly ambitious man. She herself has an aristocratic point of view and all of the social graces. She is a great manager and can run an elaborate home take first place in the local social group and advance her husband’s business changes by enjoyable entertaining. She attracts people to her home and commands great respect. She is the sort of wife a husband wants his boss to meet because the impression that she creates in herself.

The love of a Leo wife is passionate enduring and self-sacrificing. These are the most loyal of women whose whole lives are lived through their deep emotional natures. They give and feel and bestow and bless. Their families can never show sufficient gratitude for the wealth of attention lavished up on them and sometimes appear to lack appreciation for all this loving service. The truth is that no human being could repay the Leo wife’s devotion ti her home and husband. While her attitude is lush generous in the extreme unless the husband is a very dominant man this type of wife will rule him and the result will be a hen-pecked husband.

If the Leo woman is lucky enough to marry a virile commanding man all of her good qualities will be reduced to their rightful proportions. She will have the opportunity to exercise her house keeping ability lead the social group and put all of her faith and passionate love into her relationship with her husband. A supremely masculine man can supply her with the romantic outlets that her passionate nature requires without sacrificing her femininity.

Cancer - what kind of spouse are you?



The Cancer husband is not an easy person to live with despite the sign reputation for easy – going good nature. The type is divided in to at least two groups one of which is dominant. The husband of this group loves his home but is exacting fussy and inclined to be critical and fault finding. The recessive Cancer man is so passive lazy and self indulgent that he often goes so far as to marry for money or position in fact for any reason that will bring him ease established position and domestic comfort. Since this kind of man is persistent and agreeable when he chooses to be it is often possible for him to attain his ambition.

Any Cancer husband whether of one type or another spends more time in his home than other men. He has a deeply traditional love for the home and family and has many of the same qualities in his nature that are imputed to the Cancer woman. The moodiness changeability sentimentality and effusiveness can be understood in a woman’s nature but translated to a man these qualities are not inspiring especially in large doses administered domestically.

The Cancer husband means to be devoted and his whole mind is wrapped up in his wife and family but his disposition is such that these feelings are translated into exacting demands for service and constant interference in the home routine. Nothing satisfies him he can always find something to criticize or complain about and the most affectionate family feels the burden of this intensely possessive spirit. These men are very sensual and seek constant erotic stimulation. They are usually faithful enough if their desires are satisfied at home. The effort entailed in conducting outside liaisons is too difficult for the Cancer man. He is rather timid and abhors danger. Therefore while his senses might lead him astray he is unwilling to be involved in complications that require effort to sustain.

The Cancer Wife : June 22 / July 22

The Cancer wife mothers everything. She typifies the most motherly influence of all of the zodiacal wives. When at her best she is a sympathetic affectionate protective woman patient devoted adaptable satisfied with anything her husband provides for her. Her home is wherever her husband decides that it should be and she gives the humblest place a permanent established look. Her presence is sanctifying and she understands how to serve. She is loved and respected in return for her devotion and is the personification of all of the literature written that idealizes “MOTHER”.

All this of course depends upon the planetary combinations in the nativity. Many Cancer wives have some of these good qualities. They are devoted mothers full of affection for the family but too often moody changeable ignorant and willing to be improved temperamental to a fault and sensitive in the extreme. It is very easy for the Cancer girl to marry for her natural inclinations are so sympathetic that this quality of thought draws marriage to her. She seeks protection and it always comes to her. But if she is a girl without a good deal of character and background she will need the help and guidance of her husband is on a pedestal in her imagination and if he fails her the spiritual shock is crushing. When well aspected the spiritual strength of the Cancer wife is as much a help to the husband as his worldly stamina is to her.

This native is passionately possessive and everything concerning the life of her family absorbs her completely. Sometimes these intuitive instinctive women have ( counter to all else in their make up) an uncannily accurate business sense and they are able to advise their husband in business with unexpected wisdom. Taken generally the whole character is proverbially feminine and the man who marries a cancer wife gets a completely womanly woman.

Gemini - What kind of spouse are you?



This is not the kind of husband for the possessive passionate wife. These men are interesting persons, talented intellectual and social. Most often they are found working in the professions as draftsmen newspaper men writers or scientists of many kinds. Their domestic life is sketchy. This type of man looks for a marriage partner who can share his’ mental interests, who is never tied to her home and is willing to change her environment as often as her husband desires to vary the scenery. The wives of these men must learn to bear with the husband’s general interest in people or other women. He is inclined to be flirtatious but his’ wandering fancy is never to be taken seriously. Actually Gemini men have a great deal of common sense and while they love to pursue the will O’ the wisp of variety no other kind of man can close a romantic chapter with more finality especially when he knows that he has something to lose by a flirtation. If the Gemini husband could find a wife who gave direction to his’ life and personalized his interest in wife and family without nagging him or stressing this fact too much many of these natives would be more successful.


This type of wife is first and foremost an intellectual woman. The strongest appeal is mental companionship and the ability to make her feel that she is a partner in living rather than a housekeeper or even a maternal guide. It is natural for a woman of this kind to keep up her outside activities after marriage particularly if she has a talent worthy of development. Of course outside activities take up a lot of time and many husbands resent this diffusion of interests. However if there is to be harmony in the home it is somewhat better to treat this condition tactfully. Sometimes the wife herself discovers that two separate existences are impossible if justice is to be done and she gradually gives up her business career. In many cases the Gemini woman is so capable that her home and her work are managed very smoothly. When these natives are talented it is usually in some well paid line for they are not the long suffering type that works for nothing. They have been called mercenary as they rate themselves very highly and demand just compensation for their efforts.

Gemini women are particular how their homes are run even if they are not in them as much as other wives. They are very refined meticulous women who abhor untidiness and though they seldom do their own work they direct efficiently and command obedience. 

The Gemini woman shines brightly in society. She is scintillating well informed and worldly and is the kind of woman who would make a helpful wife for a professional man. A Doctor or A Lawyer who builds his practice on agreeable social contacts would find this type of woman the very partner for his interests. This nativity gives a somewhat flirtatious nature and many a husband watches this type of wife with anxiety. He would feel much better if he knew that she was just using her sharp wits to enjoy a battle of words. Her common sense and protective instinct are very strong and she would never sacrifice her home and husband for what she of all people knows to be a little conversational romance.

Taurus - What kind of spouse are you?


The Taurus husband has the finest qualities of all of the signs for a successful husband. There have been
some descriptions of the Taurus man characterizing him as rather immoral. It is true that there is a
bullish tendency to satisfy the intense physical urge so potent in this native. But the Taurus man makes
so devoted a husband so dependable kind generous and faithful to his’ trust as a home- builder that the
violence of his’ emotional nature must be overlooked. He never neglects his’ home for any outside
interest which when it intrudes is very transitory and fleeting.

This type of husband adores his’ wife and children and strains every effort to give them the best home
education cloths and amusements that his’ world provides. These men often marry above their station
in life partly because they are so ambitious to establish themselves and partly because their worldly
success leads them toward higher social circles. The ruler ship of Venus in the sign gives them a great
appreciation of beauty and in order to hold a Taurus husband throughout the life the wife must look
beautiful and behave lovingly. These husbands adore dependence and always like to feel that they are
the sole providers of their families’ happiness. Domestic life which palls from time to time on so many of
the other Zodiacal types is never tiresome to the Taurus husband. Once married he never seeks the
bachelor existence or even thinks back regretfully over the liberty that he never counted as precious.


The Taurus wife is perhaps the most devoted and dependable kind of wife in the whole range of Zodiacal types. She never resorts to divorce and endures extreme hardship rather than desert her mate. Naturally when making this statement the devotion of the cancer wife and the Leo wife rises up to contest the assertion. But the Taurus wife has a nature peculiarly adapted to domestic life as we have designed it. She is the perfect home-maker. She is a devoted mother and a loving wife satisfied with her husband’s efforts in her behalf. These efforts are usually quite ambitious for Taurus women are pushing in a secret way. They appear to be calm reserved and everybody’s friend but underneath they are as jealous as the Aries woman and covet the rich worldly things of life. The Aries wife’s jealousy is for her husband’s devotion but the Taurus wife’s passions are covetous and material. Her husband’s devotion is something that she never questions largely because it seldom strays. She is a very affectionate demonstrative woman wholly engrossed in her home and family which she watches with a personal attention that not only serves but exacts service from them. Beneath the goodness of the Taurus wife there is a determined persistent streak that uses the husband to further in every way her desire to enjoy life. She makes herself very dependent although she can really help herself if necessary. The devotion of these women can best be held by successful type of man the kind of husband who is important in the business world and can afford to give his’ wife a luxurious home where she may show off her really wonderful housekeeping ability and social charm. 

Aries - What kind of spouse are you?

 THE ARIES HUSBAND : (March 21/April 19)

The Aries husband when found somewhat near the pure type is a very distinguished desirable sort of man. He is the kind of looking man that all girls aspire to but who is by appearance and temperament a little hard to acquire. This is because he is naturally exceedingly fussy and rather like the Leo man exacting in his’ ideals. He has a romantic mental picture of what he wants in a wife and this mental picture demands perfection. The lady must be beautiful clever and very good. 

These men are conventional in thought and do not go in for bohemian types in romance. They demand a high moral code in the women of their choice regardless of their own private irregularities which may take the form of an isolated adventurous fling. As a matter of fact the Aries man hates clandestine affairs. He is outspoken to a fault and refuses to hide anything that he feels like doing. He considers it a personal affront that he should have to look outside of his’ home for love but he is rather demanding sexually and if he is not gratified he will look elsewhere.

The Aries man is ardent proud full of personality and all through the life makes a romantic appeal to the woman he marries. About the most difficult problem in the married life of the Aries man is to satisfy his romantic conceptions of physical love. He has a voracious appetite which he will not sublimate. No substitute devotion satisfies him but a wife can gain his’ everlasting faithfulness if she harmonizes with him physically.


Some signs of the Zodiac regardless of whether they are masculine or feminine signs make better women than men or vice-versa. Aries is a very masculine sign but the Aries men are not often pure types and then much of the strength of the sign is dissipated. The Aries women personalizes one of the highest womanly developments of the Zodiac.

These women make wonderful wives for ambitious men. They have brilliant independent minds and healthy bodies. They like to spend their spare time in some constructive self-improvement and are witty, clever conversationalists with wonderful social presence. Either they are willing to help the husband in business or they have some lucrative side line of their own that adds to the family fortunes for they are rather unconventional women and seek the unusual outlet. This type of wife is never found bolstered upon a day bed amidst piles of cushions, true-story periodicals, nerve sedatives, and half-empty coffee cups. She is efficient, wide-awake, generous and companionable.

Her appearance is very smart, for she is usually a good looking woman who takes great pride in her appearance. Pride is also one of her outstanding qualities. She has such a superior opinion of her own family that it shows quite plainly in her behavior and sometimes causes others to be jealous and resentful.

Jealousy and a desire for a competitive social life are two of her worst faults. She is apt to be jealous of her husband’s attentions and may have a vivid imagination where her wrongs are concerned. She knows that she is good and wants her husband to concentrate upon her with great intensity and never praise any one else. This type of woman is happiest married to a passionate, possessive man, one who makes her own sense of possession seem fragile by comparison. She should not have a moment in which to seek grievances and she is at her best showing the rarest side of her character, self-sacrifice for her family.

When family life rolls along smoothly, this type of wife is rather extravagant. She is so generous that she frequently overdoes the giving for family and friends and often makes people uncomfortable by the weight of their obligation to her, which she is never quite willing that they repay.

As a wife, the Aries woman would be most happy married to an aggressively masculine man. Sometimes the dominant woman attracts a recessive sort of man. This is not good for the Aries woman whose activity in the home and demonstration to her husband would soon appear to submerge the man of the family. For this type of woman such a condition might mean the death of love. She loves only the man she can greatly admire and his ability to control her is an important part of her devotion to him. If his hold over her is dominant, especially an impetus to ward development and his constitution is very virile, she is his for life.

Tuesday, June 01, 2021

Venus in your zodiac



Venus is very weak in Aries. The activity of the sign is too ruthless, and the pace of energy too fast for the light, material character of Venus. The planet is not enhanced by the dashing Aries idealism, and the domestic leanings of Venus are not encouraged by Aries. Aries is a sign of accomplishment in the outer world, and the Venus thought of personal development is not helped by Aries. Aries makes the love nature fiery, impetuous, demanding, but also giving. It makes it a generous ardent fleeting set of impulses. An Aries Venus is masculine in thought, a real young Lochinvar lover who rides gallantly in, but also rides away.


Venus is very powerful in Taurus. It is the ruler of the sign, and people with Venus in Taurus may expect to find a material atmosphere around their love life. They will seek wealthy mates, and even if the planet is opposed by other forces, the chances are that their persistence and patient pursuit will finally with the love and position they are seeking. The fortunes of the person with Venus in this position are apt to vary, but here is a determined urge toward domestic contentment, worldly love, and the satisfaction of the personal ambitions. This is a rather ruthless Venus, tireless in her quest for love and the material good things of life. The love nature here is deep, secret and unchanging, with feminine intensity and masculine strength. The person is apt to have a great sexual appetite and be very satisfying in the responses to love.


Venus is moderately strong in Gemini. She has a very material outlook in this sign, and when found in this position in the horoscope of a woman the tendencies will be for gold digging. The emotional life or any romantic goal when controlled by Venus in this sign is often attained through trickery triumph over rivals and all of the camouflage possible under the circumstances. The love nature itself is youthful airy mercurial and full of sunshine and clouds. The touch of the lover is exceedingly light bantering flirtatious and fleeting.


Venus has a very maternal quality in Cancer. Those with Venus in this sign at birth will seek love through their ability to mother and protect. The instincts of this Venus are softly melancholy and brooding. Here is an urge to tend the home, bring up a family, and nourish every member of the household. These natives must love, posses and serve something and their natural outlet is home and family. When as sometimes happens larger issues enter the life the object of affection is merely service to humanity or to God. In most cases Venus fulfills the personal urge of this sign be it man or woman (although this is a feminine Venus) and she fills the native with power to draw love through devotion to the home ideals. This love is very deep and passionate protective and nourishing.


The sign of Leo is a very vital sign, so that any planet found posited there at birth will have a good deal of energy. Therefore a Leo-Venus is vital, hot, passionate, almost overpoweringly generous and inspiring, but not fruitful. The nature of Leo is arid, like the sun and planets coming under this dominion reflect something of its character. People having Venus posited in Leo achieve their romantic ambitions through their own efforts and the force of their personality. They have plenty of energy to pursue their desires and are rich in the magnetism to attract. The standards of Leo are so high and the romantic conceptions so lofty that few measure up to the ideals of the Leo-Venus. The results are often people with the love life tragically unfulfilled.


Venus is weak in Virgo. The natures of the sign and the planet do not harmonize. It goes deeper than this. The basic qualities of Virgo are not food for Venus, therefore this emotional urge is starved and stunted. People with Venus posited in this sign usually attain their romantic ends, such as they are, through flattery, courting the beloved, and a painstaking personal service. The lover is apt to be persistent. The first to come and last to leave, in fact, he wears his’ adversary out. Usually his’ ambitions lead him to the beloved, and he courts some sort of material betterment through love. In a woman’s natal figure this type of Venus frequently gives her a chaste, fragile look when she is very young. That has great appeal for the more spiritually minded man, or the man who is very jealous. This chaste appearance wears off later in life, and freezes into being cool and impersonal that is mighty disappointing when translated into the emotional nature. This kind of woman has no power to give herself, and her whole ideology of romantic love is distorted.


Venus is at the peak of her’ power in Libra, where she may be considered in her own highest octave. She is the ruler of this sign, and people who have her posited in Libra at birth make the most interesting romancers of all types. They should always use a beautiful, high-minded, aesthetic approach to love. Their actions should be one of gracious appreciation. This sign influence is very delicately proportioned between the male and the female; therefore with Venus posited in the sign at birth, the balance of the sexes might easily be disturbed. Homosexuals and sometimes prostitutes are among the most passionate of all types, and their sense of the exquisite leads them to glorify perversion and perform the erotic in sex like a ritual. Those who are more happily balanced make the most desirable if not the most permanent mates in the Zodiac.


Venus is at her very weakest in Scorpio. Her influence here is sensual and profligate at best and her’ strength no equal ballast for the dark passions of Scorpio. The native with this configuration in the birth figure is apt to pursue love with great extravagance of courtship. These people would exact and give a very demonstrative love, and be exceedingly physical in their-practices. They might seek to enslave the beloved by catering to some physical vice or at least some sensuality that would create an affair both intense, erotic and abnormal. In less exaggerated cases the lover is simply passionate with a tremendous appetite for sex. This is a jealous, demanding attitude, but it is also an extremely devoted and generous one.


Venus is considered the lower octave of Jupiter, and Jupiter is the ruler of Sagittarius. Some of the gifts of Venus on the material plane are also a part of the Jupiter character; for instance, extravagance in thought and pocketbook, cheer, charm and good temper when well aspected. Therefore the relationship between this sign and Venus is friendly, although Venus is only moderately powerful in the sign. Actually the proportions of Sagittarius are too vast for the limited powers of Venus. The person with this aspect in the birth figure will seek love through the use of influence, power, and worldly favors. A woman with this aspect may have superior qualities and marry far above her station in life. She is likely to be very ambitious, jealous of her standing and reputation, and gifted in many ways. Men having this birth position will seek a social existence in some group that is distinguished in one way or another. They are likely to have a polished sophisticated manner, be well educated, and have all the outward trappings of success.


Venus is not at her best in this sign, and those with this birth figure are apt to have little warmth in the love nature. They approach their romantic ambitions timidly without confidence, and an innate knowledge that they are romantically handicapped. 

This is a very practical figure and Venus here uses her charms to gain material benefits. This sign often indicates some measure of self-sacrifice and with Venus in this birth sign, especially if afflicted, the chances are that love will be sacrificed to gain material benefit. 

If we find Venus posited in Capricorn in a woman’s chart her appearance may be most romantic tall and statuesque with large somber, brooding eyes, but her temperament will be very practical. Her interests will be largely on the date of the marriage and whether the suitor can support her properly. She will take her duties as a wife seriously and in a material way prove a fine wife. Emotionally she is apt to prove a bit austere and somewhat of a check-rein on the husband who would make a rollicking game of love. For the man with Venus in this birth sign, he is apt to bury his’ secret romantic leanings if they do not fit in with his’ ambitions. He feels that to enjoy love is a little bit wrong anyway, and he cannot quite understand how other men remain good men and indulge their physical passions. From his’ point of view a man falls when he accedes to love. If this type of man was lucky enough to have a wife who could disabuse him of these ideas he would be a much happier man.


This position of Venus in the birth chart often makes what is described as “Ladies and Gentleman”. These people have a well bred, gracious manner, and they display intelligence and taste in the life. They use tact and diplomacy to secure the coveted loves and romances of existence and they have so much in their favor that success is usually theirs for the asking. This position is not one of fiery passion, but rather a subtle exchange of the refinements of passion. A satisfaction of the desire for companionship, home-building, joint career building and intellectual harmony. Both men and women of this type are ideally attractive to other people, but they themselves are exceedingly fussy and discriminating in their choice of a mate and buried under all of their high sounding selection is a streak of common sense that seeks dignity and decency in the loved one.


Venus is exalted in Pisces and in one of her most powerful positions in the Zodiac. Here Venus is in her own element combined with a sign character that expands her lush sensuousness and all of her sympathetic virtues. This Neptunian Venus makes her natives approach their dream of love with a silent, spiritual, insinuating appeal that works slowly and secretly through the heart of the beloved until the capture is made. These are very devoted people, often serving the loved one with the most delightful attentions, never failing in the romantic appeal, regardless of which sex is doing the wooing. Women with this figure in the birth chart are better suited to the quality of the position than are the men. The softness of the temperament is naturally womanly and very fruitful. Women of this type are beautiful and carry an indefinable aura of love in their appearance and manner. They seem to fill every act of love with a tender graciousness, and they raise the whole physical performance of sex up to the highest spiritual rapture. On the other hand when Venus is afflicted it can somewhat change the picture. Either the ultimate goal of the native’s desires must be attained over tremendous odds or the love nature is perverted through muddled impulses of spirit and flesh.