Saturday, June 19, 2021

Leo - What kind of spouse is you?



The Leo man fits into the scheme of domestic life quite smoothly. Usually he is a good and very generous provider desiring his wife and family to shine in the community. He is tremendously proud of not only them but himself and he wants them to have the best of everything. For himself he demands the center of the stage and expects the home life to revolve around him like planets around the SUN. He is very affectionate loving and devoted in his manner but he will not tolerate disrespect or insubordination.

The Leo husband is fixed in his opinions about what is due him from wife and children. His love is deeply romantic and very absorbing but he considers that he is a law unto himself. Naturally very passionate (although perfectly normal in his love nature) if he wishes to seek romantic adventure outside of his home he does so without scruple. But his attitude toward life is so conventional that he would never tolerate a wife who behaved in a similar manner. She must be above suspicion and as the Leo men are acute judges of character and fastidious to a fault they usually select wives who meet with their high standards of perfection.

The average Leo man makes a fine husband. His generosity kindness loving disposition and passionate loyalty in the big issues of life plus his really great heart make him a very safe and satisfying kind of husband for the feminine clinging type of woman.


The Leo wife is a splendid type of woman for a worldly ambitious man. She herself has an aristocratic point of view and all of the social graces. She is a great manager and can run an elaborate home take first place in the local social group and advance her husband’s business changes by enjoyable entertaining. She attracts people to her home and commands great respect. She is the sort of wife a husband wants his boss to meet because the impression that she creates in herself.

The love of a Leo wife is passionate enduring and self-sacrificing. These are the most loyal of women whose whole lives are lived through their deep emotional natures. They give and feel and bestow and bless. Their families can never show sufficient gratitude for the wealth of attention lavished up on them and sometimes appear to lack appreciation for all this loving service. The truth is that no human being could repay the Leo wife’s devotion ti her home and husband. While her attitude is lush generous in the extreme unless the husband is a very dominant man this type of wife will rule him and the result will be a hen-pecked husband.

If the Leo woman is lucky enough to marry a virile commanding man all of her good qualities will be reduced to their rightful proportions. She will have the opportunity to exercise her house keeping ability lead the social group and put all of her faith and passionate love into her relationship with her husband. A supremely masculine man can supply her with the romantic outlets that her passionate nature requires without sacrificing her femininity.

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