Saturday, June 19, 2021

Libra - What kind of spouse are you?


The Libra Husband is not an easy man to please. Temperamentally the sameness of domesticity is not to his liking but he is a very passionate man and a respecter of tradition hence marriage is the reasonable result. The Libra husband is reasonable he is a born judge and no other Zodiacal type can order the life with so much wisdom. His superior ability to guide the destiny of his home is one of his greatest virtues. Degenerate Libra characters do not have this power they have the surface smoothness but not the high intellectual development of which the best Libra men are capable. These men provide very well for their families and seem to feel with the intensity of a woman the necessity of elegance and luxury in the home surroundings

As has been said the Libra husband is apt to be a very passionate man. His whole attitude toward love differs from the response made by the rest of the Zodiac. To the Libran love is a high art. His passions are overwhelming and he rises to great heights in the expressions of his love nature. This type of husband would be deeply disappointed if he did not meet with a satisfactory response to his passions. Even when the domestic partner is agreeable he might be tempted to seek variety but this is merely variety of expression. The Libra husband does not seek divorce unless the conditions of his life are non-adjustable. He has an instinctive distrust of the untried and will strain his fastidious taste.


One of the most interesting love natures is found in either sex of the Libra person. The sign has a decided feminine leaning with the highest Venus influence prevailing. These women have a delicate spiritual appeal. They are ideal wives for wealthy successful men who are stimulated by union with a woman who is like an orchid. This type of wife looks exotic and designs a background for herself in keeping with her rare exquisite personality. Actually these women are not as fragile as they appear. The Libra wife is a fine mental companion wise in the ways of partnership and well able to bring harmony into the home life.

One of her special gifts is this talent for harmony. She has an instinctive knowledge of how to get along with people and attracts an interesting social circle. At the same time she never neglects her own family but gives them all the loving attention of which her gracious nature is capable.

The Libra wife is distinctly a luxury. She is usually very attractive and always has a group of admirers seeking her favors. While she requires a varied social life she is too well balanced to encourage indiscriminate flirtation but if she were to find herself emotionally involved her response would never be underhanded. This type of woman does not encourage scandal. Because she is so attractive her life is sometimes more complicated than the existence of the plainer woman but a husband can always feel confident that she will rise to the occasion.

As has been intimated the Libra woman is the type who makes a lovely sheltered wife. Her passions are voluptuous and demand a “QUALITY SETTING“ . She is responsive intuitive and intellectual. Her passionate response to married life is extremely satisfying and in many respects she is the best suited of all of the Zodiacal types to be a wife in the strictly personal sense of the word. 

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