Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Your birthday in Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

People born in this sign of the Zodiac cannot be judged by the standards that measure other people. This is perhaps the one completely unselfish type, in whose motives for behavior and in whose impulses may be seen a divine touch.

Aquarian people love humanity, not as the Sagittarian does, in a human way, with all its faults, but rather they love the life principle. To the Aquarian, the fact that there is life makes all things possible. He sees in mankind an exalted future, where a universal harmony is the natural scheme. To the Aquarian, world peace, arising out of the highest qualities of men is the ultimate goal. 

Aquarians see good in everything. They manage to get along with everyone and seldom find fault with any person or condition no matter how unjustly they may suffer from it. They are not martyrs, however, and if they are imposed upon, they will extricate themselves so adroitly that the real culprit is  always mysteriously revealed.

In appearance Aquarians are usually pleasant-looking people. It is as if some of the rare qualities of their mind were translated into a visual form. Aquarians have graceful medium sized figures. The head is very well shaped, with a broad benevolent brow and a generally sympathetic expression. They look, and are, exceedingly fit and healthy. This is partly due to the fact that they are so sensible about health habits that disease seldom gets a chance to attack them. They guide their lives into paths of industry, and keep busily occupied with some useful work. 

Whatever the work of Aquarians, it must always have a touch of culture and idealism. They never choose an uninteresting job as a life work, and whatever it is, they invest it with new life and an individual slant that is often productive of great financial returns. 

Not that the Aquarian loves money for itself, as does the Capricorn, but rather he loves it for what it can  buy in the way of progress and development for the work that he is doing. For, be assured, this type is always working, and hard work agrees with them. They can accomplish a great deal in very little time, and with half the energy that most people put into a task. They are naturally able people and inject into almost any task some improvement in method. 

It must be remembered that the sign of Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the planet of upheaval, revolution and change. The qualities of Uranus are strong in the Aquarian character, but they are not, as they suggest, unpleasantly aggressive. When the word revolution is mentioned, the natural reaction is one of uncertainty or even fear. Aquarians have it in their make-up to change any condition in the life that appears to them unhealthy or lacking in progress. They always aim for the highest in human harmony, and anything less causes them acute unhappiness. But this Uranian tendency toward change is seldom accompanied by the horrors usually connected with revolution, that is unless other conditions are at work. 

In their relations to friends, business associates, and loved ones, Aquarians are at their best. They enjoy human contacts and are most social, friendly people. They love to entertain, and frequently collect all kinds of queer people under their roof. This sometimes has bad results. They are inclined to trust everyone, and seldom doubt a hard-luck story. The result is that they are often deceived, and suffer consequent losses. This is never a lesson to them, as they consider humanity a study. They are always anxious to observe human conduct under all kinds of conditions. To the Aquarian, a person is never entirely bad, even when he commits wicked actions. 

Aquarians make the best friends of any of the Zodiacal types. They are willing to give a great deal of themselves, and usually receive a great deal in return. Their friendship is appreciated by all those who have the privilege of this enjoyment. In addition, friendship with an Aquarian, as well as love, has an inspiring quality that helps to raise every relationship to its highest form. 

In matters of romance and love, the Aquarian is more satisfactory than the Sagittarian, but he does share some of the same preference for universal love over personal love. However, when the Aquarian chooses a love, it is usually with great discrimination. In that field he is not easy to please, and responds only to the rarest type of passion and the cleanest personality. Usually Aquarians look for some mutual mental interest in the loved one. When they do find an intellectual companion who appeals in a fine way to their senses, they are faithful forever.  

In all matters of human conduct, the Aquarian may be said to be the most nearly above reproach than any other Zodiacal type. 

They seldom diverge from type, and the action of other planets has less effect on the basic character than any of the other signs 

As usual, there is a negative type. These people are somewhat dangerous, for they have good many of the likable qualities of the major Aquarian, but none of his’ constructive ability. They stir up conditions of discontent and dissatisfaction in their environment, and with many assurances that all will be well, they proceed to let the chips fall where they may, for they have no ability to adjust matters. 

These natives are often glib talkers. They can talk themselves into good jobs, and then proceed to hold the job by fooling the boss. The fact that they are incapable is usually revealed by some accident. A low grade Aquarian can make so much trouble by his’ nosiness, interference, and upsetting point of view that it takes the combined efforts of a good many different personalities to undo the confusion created by the original conflagration. 

Aquarians love hobby, and it is usually a useful one. They frequently take a great interest in advanced theories and actual schools for education along special lines. They want to bring luxury and privilege to every person, but they also want that person to have the intellectual background to understand and appreciate great and good things. It is true that they have deep sympathy for poverty, but they have a deeper concern for ignorance. Aquarians wish to raise the mental standard of the whole world before anything is done about physical salvage for the masses. To the Aquarian mind it is more important to make a man think than eat, perhaps instinctively the Aquarian knows that somehow man will eat, but he must be trained to love to think. Aquarians believe that only when all men are responsible mentally will true happiness prevail. 

More Aquarian persons proportionately will be used for the rehabilitation of mankind all over the world.  

They will be found in every ministering group, from the highest to lowest position. 

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