Saturday, June 19, 2021

Sagittarius - What kind of spouse are you?



The Sagittarian husband requires a wise tactful wife. This may be true of all husbands but the men born with this birth figure have much to give and frequently the family, because they will not cater to innate peculiarities see the worst side of the character rather than the best which is so good. 

This type of man is not ideally fitted by nature for domestic life. His interests in world affairs are great and his profession or business is usually chosen from the depths of these interests. He loves humanity and takes an absorbing interest in social progress and the practical problems that confront his world or his community. He is very much of a public man. His basic mental strength goes into life in general so that life in particular that is his personal life becomes small childish and unimportant by comparison.

If his personal tastes change he sees no reason why he must continue to express a devotion that no longer exists and since love is like a rather sportive game to him he can see no special wrong in his change of preference.

Of course this is hard on married life where singleness of thought is the ideal and anything less stable makes for constant friction. The wife of this type of man had best be exceedingly broad minded free from jealousy and impersonal even if this is not natural to her. She will have to be a good deal of an actress to hold his’ interest in any case.

This is not meant to imply that the Sagittarian man does not stay married or that he does not make a good husband. On the contrary these are very gifted men with whom it is a privilege to live. But because of their lack of personal sense and their impatience with anything narrow or ordered in the life it is necessary for a wife of such a man to widen her own horizon so that she may see eye to eye with her husband.

The passions of the Sagittarian are lusty sportive and adventurous. They are joyous fellows and they treat love like a happy adventure. All of the emotions accompanying this birth figure are nervous and high – strung and demand immediate satisfaction.


The Sagittarian wife is the best fitted of all Zodiacal types to be a companion to her husband. This type of woman takes an intelligent interest in her husband’s business. She is not an intruder and has enough reserve to wait until she is asked for advice but when the confidences come she is not only a sympathetic listener but a useful adviser.

In the field of hobbies and sports she is a real pal. All outdoor life attracts her and she enjoys fishing hunting riding and even the competitive sports. A man does not have to search for a companion to enjoy his hobby with him if he is married to a Sagittarian woman. She is enthusiastic about all kinds of activity civic affairs social life Sportsmanship club life and intellectual advancement and she even enjoys a fling at gambling. It is easy to see that a husband can have a very full life with such a companion.

In the home this kind of wife is competent speedy in her house keeping efficient and sympathetic in the care of her children very clever and well balanced in all of her reactions to life. She is a woman to be trusted for her judgments are mature and her natural mental equipment sound.

A good percentage of athletic beauty goes with this birth position and these women are often tall handsome and smartly gowned. They demand an active life for there is nothing of the languid hothouse bloom about them. There is no petty jealousy in their make-up either and though they seek a wide circle of friends of both sexes they are canny enough to know how to avoid emotional complications. They seldom embarrass the husband with nagging suspicions and are quite apt to treat his passing preferences with tactful over sight.

These wives are not so tactful about the more everyday faults of living. They are outspoken in the extreme and both the husband and the children may expect to hear their errors frankly discussed very often for their own good.

The emotional nature of the Sagittarian woman is highly nervous. Her passions are healthy joyous and swift. She does not make a fetish of physical indulgence but she is rather highly sexed and demands stimulating adventurous excitement. Her responses are enthusiastic and her approach to physical love highly refined and inspiring.

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