Saturday, June 19, 2021

Taurus - What kind of spouse are you?


The Taurus husband has the finest qualities of all of the signs for a successful husband. There have been
some descriptions of the Taurus man characterizing him as rather immoral. It is true that there is a
bullish tendency to satisfy the intense physical urge so potent in this native. But the Taurus man makes
so devoted a husband so dependable kind generous and faithful to his’ trust as a home- builder that the
violence of his’ emotional nature must be overlooked. He never neglects his’ home for any outside
interest which when it intrudes is very transitory and fleeting.

This type of husband adores his’ wife and children and strains every effort to give them the best home
education cloths and amusements that his’ world provides. These men often marry above their station
in life partly because they are so ambitious to establish themselves and partly because their worldly
success leads them toward higher social circles. The ruler ship of Venus in the sign gives them a great
appreciation of beauty and in order to hold a Taurus husband throughout the life the wife must look
beautiful and behave lovingly. These husbands adore dependence and always like to feel that they are
the sole providers of their families’ happiness. Domestic life which palls from time to time on so many of
the other Zodiacal types is never tiresome to the Taurus husband. Once married he never seeks the
bachelor existence or even thinks back regretfully over the liberty that he never counted as precious.


The Taurus wife is perhaps the most devoted and dependable kind of wife in the whole range of Zodiacal types. She never resorts to divorce and endures extreme hardship rather than desert her mate. Naturally when making this statement the devotion of the cancer wife and the Leo wife rises up to contest the assertion. But the Taurus wife has a nature peculiarly adapted to domestic life as we have designed it. She is the perfect home-maker. She is a devoted mother and a loving wife satisfied with her husband’s efforts in her behalf. These efforts are usually quite ambitious for Taurus women are pushing in a secret way. They appear to be calm reserved and everybody’s friend but underneath they are as jealous as the Aries woman and covet the rich worldly things of life. The Aries wife’s jealousy is for her husband’s devotion but the Taurus wife’s passions are covetous and material. Her husband’s devotion is something that she never questions largely because it seldom strays. She is a very affectionate demonstrative woman wholly engrossed in her home and family which she watches with a personal attention that not only serves but exacts service from them. Beneath the goodness of the Taurus wife there is a determined persistent streak that uses the husband to further in every way her desire to enjoy life. She makes herself very dependent although she can really help herself if necessary. The devotion of these women can best be held by successful type of man the kind of husband who is important in the business world and can afford to give his’ wife a luxurious home where she may show off her really wonderful housekeeping ability and social charm. 

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